2022 Lord Mayor’s Australia Day Awards

The 2022 Lord Mayor's Australia Day Awards recognise Brisbane’s unsung heroes and pay tribute to the people in our community who have gone above and beyond to help improve the lives of others and make the Brisbane of tomorrow even better than the Brisbane of today.
2022 Lord Mayor's Australia Day Awards included the following categories:
- Citizen of the Year - Bruce Sinclair
- Joint Senior Citizen of the Year - Roslyn Broom
- Joint Senior Citizen of the Year - Desmond Broom
- Young Citizen of the Year - Jeremy Hunt
- Community Event of the Year - Bracken Ridge Central Lions Club – Miniature Steam Train
- Australia Day Cultural/Arts Award - Graham Evans
- Australia Day Sports Award - Tony Elliot
- Corporate Citizen of the Year - Peggy Flannery
- Green Heart Award - Noel Standfast
- Outstanding Philanthropist – Yuan Fu
- Spirit of Brisbane Award – Ben Cannon
- Australia Day Achievement Awards
Winner profiles
Citizen of the Year – Bruce Sinclair
For over 50 years, Bruce has volunteered his time with many different community groups. As a young child, alongside his father, Bruce began volunteering at the Endeavour Foundation and has served as a volunteer in many different capacities including on the Board of Directors.
In addition to the Endeavour Foundation, Bruce has expanded his generosity to many different community groups including the Taringa History Group, the Toowong and District Historical Society (TDHS), National Seniors, the Brisbane Tramways Museum, QLD Omnibus and Coach Society, and the Australian Railway Historical Society. On top of all his volunteering, Bruce is now the fulltime carer for his brother, Ian, who is living with an intellectual impairment and supports Ian in his participation in voluntary activities.
After discovering a love for history, Bruce was a founding member of the Taringa History Group and also the Toowong and District Historical Society Inc (TDHS) in 2002. Bruce has researched and published material, addressed school groups, manned stalls at fetes, led history walks, organised book launches and helped facilitate local history networks. When COVID-19 affected traditional ANZAC Day commemorations, Bruce was the THDS representative who met with the Toowong RSL Sub-branch President, the local Councillor, and other community organisations to plan a COVID-19 friendly ANZAC ceremony in Toowong Memorial Park.
“Bruce has a kind, calm and patient manner that fosters a spirit of cooperation between different groups, and also between members.” – Nominator
Joint Senior Citizen of the Year – Roslyn Broom
Mrs Roslyn Broom has always been a community minded person, spending her earlier years as a qualified teacher specialising in Music and English. Roslyn has been volunteering with the Scouting and Girl Guide movements for 46 years as a uniformed member at local, regional, and state levels.
Roslyn has also volunteered in all capacities at Meals on Wheels. For the past 25 years Roslyn has been on the committee and served three years as Secretary and the past sixteen years as President of the Sunnybank/Salisbury Branch. Currently Roslyn is also serving as the Chair of Meals on Wheels Queensland while completing a three-year term as a Board Director.
2020 was a challenging year for everyone, especially community groups. Providing support to the elderly and vulnerable during the pandemic was difficult, but Roslyn led the way in ensuring that all of their clients’ needs were meet while adhering to the COVIDSafe guidelines.
In 2021, Roslyn has been privileged to take part in the process of consolidating Meals on Wheels Services Sunnybank/Salisbury Branch to Meals on Wheels Brisbane South, incorporating 11 branches. This transition will ensure that Meals on Wheels will continue to support the elderly and vulnerable within Greater Brisbane into the future.
Roslyn is also a current Member of Red Cross Australia, Sunnybank Branch.
"Roslyn is an incredibly hard working and generous person who gives 100% to everything that she does and always puts the community before her own needs" – Nominator
Joint Senior Citizen of the Year – Desmond Broom
Mr Desmond Broom has been an exceptional member of the community, volunteering for over 40 years in varying capacities Over the years, Desmond has been a reservist in the Royal Australian Air Force, has volunteered for the Air Scouts and held various roles on P&C’s and with the Army Cadets.
In 2008, Desmond joined Meals on Wheels Services Sunnybank/Salisbury Branch and has since volunteered in all capacities, including his current role as Treasurer. Desmond is also a member of the Sunnybank RSL Sub-Branch and volunteered as Senior Vice President for two years.
A recent highlight was his involvement in establishing the Sunnybank Men's Shed in 2012 and serving as President for 3 years. Desmond is still involved in volunteering at the Sunnybank Men's Shed and is always willing to provide advice and assistance whenever asked and has the ability to provide training on many of the pieces of equipment that the shed owns.
"Desmond is a loyal, committed and valued team member to the Sunnybank Men's Shed" – Nominator
Young Citizen of the Year – Jeremy Hunt
In late 2020, Jeremy learnt that people experiencing homelessness were not able to access a free flu vaccine. Rather than ignoring this, at the age of 21, studying medicine full-time, and with no background in running a charity, Jeremy established The VacSeen Project in February 2021 to address this issue.
Working with a small team of university students, Jeremy raised awareness and funding both within the medical community and the Brisbane community more widely. Further, Jeremy and The VacSeen Project team collaborated with local GPs and pharmacies to purchase vaccines at lower costs to support the initiative. This was overwhelmingly successful and allowed The VacSeen Project to support Inclusive Health and Brisbane Youth Service, providing 200 free flu vaccines for their clients.
In addition, Jeremy has volunteered his time to many different charity groups across Brisbane, including Rosie's - Friends on the Street, 180 Degrees Consulting and Eddie's Van.
Jeremy is an exceptionally inspiring young member of the Brisbane community and has helped so many vulnerable Brisbane residents access the services they need.
“Jeremy has a long history of volunteering and supporting the Brisbane community and has gone above and beyond to support and elevate the health of Brisbane citizens experiencing disadvantage. He has a passion for helping others and an incredible drive to directly tackle the issues that he sees in the world around him.” – Nominator
Community Event of the Year – Bracken Ridge Central Lions Club – Miniature Steam Train Day
The Bracken Ridge Central Steam/Electric Railway is proudly run and operated by the Bracken Ridge Central Lions Club. It has run on the fourth Sunday of every month for more than 30 years, with the track officially opening in 1996.
This event is run by a team of volunteers and all proceeds are then used to support local causes and projects. In the past, funds have been donated to the Premier's Flood Relief Fund, Lions Club Foundation, Childhood Cancer Institute, Scouts Australia, Qld Police Sandgate Bike Squad, Sandbag Sandgate, Breast Cancer Awareness, Guide Dogs QLD, local school bursaries and school chaplaincy programs. Recently, they have collected gifts for the RizeUp Australia Christmas Appeal.
The Train Day event draws crowds of up to 1000 people from all over Brisbane.
“For the past 30 years the event has given hundreds of volunteers jobs and has helped promote all of the work that the Bracken Ridge Lions Club does for the local community.” - Nominator
Australia Day Cultural/Arts Award – Graham Evans
After an illustrious music career in the UK, Graham moved to Australia in the 1980s and has played a pivotal volunteer role in the classical music scene in Brisbane for nearly 30 years. Graham is a performer, teacher, conductor, Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB) adjudicator and a tutor who is very generous with his time, knowledge and resources.
Graham formed “Classic Clarinets” over 20 years ago to provide an opportunity for beginners and more experienced clarinet players alike to make music together in a fun, informal way. This choir consists of around 30 members with an average age of 65 years old. The group performs 4-5 times a year, largely at retirement homes in the Brisbane area. As conductor of the choir, Graham’s long-standing contributions in building up this choir, sourcing music, arranging rehearsals, and performing concerts, is exemplary. Consequently, most members have been in the choir for long periods of time. Graham’s wide-ranging and intimate knowledge of music, composers, music eras and music facts makes rehearsals and concerts a fun and enjoyable learning experience for all.
Graham has also been involved in numerous other music endeavours in Brisbane including being a member and key organiser of the Sinfonia of St Andrews chamber orchestra. He has mentored many woodwind players in Brisbane who have gone on to pursue music as a career, having benefitted from his encouragement and knowledge.
"Graham is passionate, enthusiastic and supportive in all aspects of music he touches and is respected by musicians all throughout the community." - Nominator
Australia Day Sports Award – Tony Elliot
In 1989 while attending St Margaret's school, Tony's daughter wanted to learn how to row. Tony organised a boat through the GPS Rowing club and, with that, the Brisbane Schoolgirls' Rowing Association (BSRA) was formed.
30 years on, still under Tony’s guidance the BSRA has grown into the most successful girls program in Brisbane, with 14 head of river titles and 16 Australian representatives.
The BRSA is now represented by 10 schools across Brisbane.
In 2005, the St Margaret's Rowing Shed, located in Yowogerra Park on Breakfast Creek in Albion, was completed. This facility was proudly renamed the 'Tony Elliot Rowing Shed' in honour of Tony's contribution to rowing at St Margaret's.
“After more then 30 years Tony is still present at training and regattas every week committed to further improving the program and winning more head of river titles.” - Nominator
Corporate Citizen of the Year Award – Peggy Flannery
Peggy is the heart of the Flannery Foundation and quietly goes about supporting the community without seeking accolade. The primary objective of the foundation is to help the vulnerable, including those who are experiencing homelessness and women and children that have experienced abuse. The foundation provides organisations with reassurance and stability that is needed to scale their operations effectively each year.
Charities that have benefitted enormously are Act for Kids, Orange Sky Laundry, Foodbank, Birth for Humankind and Rize-Up. Peggy’s biggest achievement to date is the purchase of the Mercy Centre in Bardon, where she intends to create a safe haven accommodation for women and children escaping domestic abuse.
Peggy believes in quietly and discreetly giving back to the community to help people less fortunate than herself to create lasting changes through the help of the charities that the Flannery Foundation supports.
"Peggy is very focused and devoted to the wellness of others. She is passionate and committed to driving change in the community, particularly in homelessness and domestic violence victims." - Nominator
Green Heart Award – Noel Standfast
Noel has been a dedicated and enthusiastic supporter of the Oxley Creek Catchment Association Inc (OCCA) since its formation in 1995. He was involved in the early days of CreekCare which formed in 2003 and continues as the Coordinator of OCCA's CreekCare program, which has been running successfully for nearly 20 years.
Noel leads the CreekCare volunteers every Thursday morning to one of the 10 sites in the catchment. He liaises with each Coordinator to determine the work required to be done at each site and organises necessary weeding, mulching, watering and planting. Noel supervises and mentors students and youngers volunteers, giving his knowledge and expertise. The CreekCare team continues to expand due to Noel's enthusiasm, energy, experience and gregarious nature.
In addition, Noel has coordinated and led a group of volunteers to assist with preparations for the Annual Open Day at the Myall Park Botanic Gardens on the Darling Downs. They spend a weekend undertaking general maintenance tasks as well as helping to ensure that the gardens always look their best for visitors.
"Noel is a very trustworthy, sincere and dedicated person. He is a committed community person." - Nominator
Outstanding Philanthropist – Yuan Fu
Mrs Yuan Fu and her family arrived in Brisbane in 1991 and alongside her husband, helped to establish the YFG Shopping Centres. The family have always believed in giving back to society and are long-time supporters of the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Foundation, The Mater Foundation, Queensland Institute of Medical Research, QPAC as well as multiple local schools, charities and community groups.
One of Yuan's important roles is Chairperson of the World Social Charity Committee of a UN recognised Non-Governmental Organisation, the Buddha's Light International Association Queensland (BLIAQ). Yuan has been a major supporter of BLIAQ since its inception and has made significant financial contributions. In addition to this, over the past 30 years, Yuan has been one of the most significant donors to Chung Tian Temple, Nan Tien Temple and Nan Tien University. In 1996, Yuan and her family were instrumental in establishing the Buddha's Birthday festival and have been sponsoring the event ever since.
In 2003, Yuan helped to establish the BLIAQ Loving care Group. The Loving Care Group has donated to over 100 charities since its inception, including Hospital Foundations, Care Flight and Griffith Health. Yuan has held multiple positions within BLIAQ and has donated to charities and disaster reliefs across the world, including Australia, Taiwan, China, Indonesia and Japan. In 2015, Yuan was appointed by the Taiwanese Government to be the Queensland Commissioner for Overseas Community Affairs Council, Republic of China Taiwan. During her term she has supported all the Taiwanese associations in Queensland and key events, including the Taiwan Festival since 2012.
"Mrs Fu's contribution to the Queensland Taiwanese Community as well as the broader multicultural community is irreplaceable, and it is with her backing and support that the Taiwanese associations have had the confidence to continue to do all their good work over the years." – Nominator
Spirit of Brisbane Award – Ben Cannon
In the early hours one morning in August 2021, Ben woke to his neighbours screaming and without hesitation ran to help. After reaching his neighbour’s house, one of the family members ran out with a man holding a knife behind them. Ben bravely tackled the assailant and held him down until police arrived. Ben then re-entered the home to help locate the rest of the family's children hiding from the attackers. Ben never once questioned helping his neighbours as he put himself in danger while his own very young family slept just metres away. During the subsequent investigation, Ben opened his heart and home to the impacted family, their friends and the community.
Through his local community Ben also volunteers his time by coaching at his son's local football club, Souths Football. Ben also uses his spare time helping raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Foundation. The MND Foundation was formed to raise awareness of this disease and its impacts in the community. Ben actively supports the MND Foundation through raising funds for their annual cycling event.
“Ben has been named a local hero within his community and when asked why he had helped the family, without hesitation, Ben’s response was ‘It was just the right thing to do’” - Nominator
Australia Day Achievement Awards
Jenny Hacker
Mrs Jenny Hacker was a founding member of the Rural Environmental Planning Association (REPA) in 1973 and has been heavily involved with the organisation ever since. During her time with REPA, Jenny held the roles of Secretary and Vice Chair.
Jenny has also volunteered with the Kholo Creek Hardrock Resource, Woodcrest Estate Pullenvale and Moggill Country Club. Jenny's aim has always been to protect the rural environment and she was also a foundation member of the Moggill Creek Catchment Group founded in the late 90s, Jenny is still involved with the group. In addition, Jenny is a member of The Hut Environment Community Association based in Chapel Hill.
"As a former Councillor for Pullenvale I can attest to Jenny's knowledge, professionalism and tireless work to try to protect the leafy environment of the western suburbs." - Nominator
Peter Branagan
Mr Peter Branagan has been a volunteer carer for the Lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex (LGBTI) Seniors Community Visitors Scheme for more than five years. The Seniors Community Visiting Service matches trained volunteer visitors with LGBTI senior clients who feel alone or isolated from their community due to health, mobility or other issues. Peter gives of his time selflessly and is always there to provide conversation, support or help take clients out on outings.
"Peter makes sure to regularly visit his clients and often takes them out for breakfast or coffee. These visits ensure his clients have a chance to get outdoors and talk to someone if they need support" – Nominator
Glenys Petrie and John Quinn
Glenys and John founded the Wynnum-Manly Dementia Alliance, now the South-East Brisbane Dementia Alliance, to improve the wellbeing and quality of life for people living with dementia and their care partners who reside in Brisbane.
Glenys is a dementia advocate and volunteer for people living with dementia and their care partners. Glenys has been giving her time for almost a decade to improve dementia awareness and dementia knowledge at all levels of the community. She has been a driving force the behind Brisbane-based Dementia Awareness Advocacy team (DAAT) and is passionate about improving dementia knowledge to make a change to society’s acceptance of dementia.
Glenys is instrumental in organising the Younger Onset Dementia ‘Remember Me’ support group monthly meetings. These events enable community members living with younger onset dementia and their care partner to come together without fear of discrimination, to socialise in normal community locations within a network of other Brisbane citizens who are traversing the often lonely and isolating pathway of living with dementia. John has been instrumental in raising awareness of dementia with over 600 Iona College Lindum students and 200 of their staff. Whilst living with his struggles and joys of dementia, John has generously given his time in classes and has facilitated workshops that have had a tremendous benefit to everyone who participates.
‘Glenys and John’s voluntary work has given Brisbane’s youth the skills to be compassionate and considerate, from a deep personal level while being within the community. John’s passion, compassion and advocacy has had a deep impact on so many of our community, staff and families. He is a treasure of our region and we are so appreciative of his work and care.’ - By Nominator
Graham Smith
Graham has been volunteering for 36 years. He contributes to organisations and has a respected profile within the community. Graham began volunteering with the SES in 1985 in an administrative capacity. Attendance records in the SES only date back to 2012, in which time he has recorded 1573 hours signed in, "plus a lot more that didn't make it into the system, I'm sure!", his deputy group leader said.
In 2008, Graham joined the Moggill Mt Crosby Lions Club, a year later he was asked by the club president to represent Lions on the Pullenvale Ward Disaster Recovery Advisory Group. Graham has since assisted in organising fundraising charitable events, including the Ipswich 100 Bike Ride and the Moggill Marathon.
In the 2011 floods, Graham took part in the evacuation support and rescue of people and animals stranded in their homes. On top of this, Graham mentors and provides support to new volunteers in the organisations he is involved in.
“Graham is selfless in giving his time to the various organisations he supports and has made a huge difference in the lives of the people he has helped over the many years of his service to the community.” - Nominator
Faye Lawson
For over 45 years, Faye has been an active volunteer for the Walton Bridge/The Gap Girl Guides community. During Faye's time in the 1st Brownies, she was the District Leader for 20 years. Since stepping down from District Leader, Faye is still an active member, taking groups of guides on a 'snow trek' in Jindabyne and on alternate years to Mon Repos, Bundaberg, to see the turtles hatch, where they all enjoy an amazing nature and camping adventure whilst learning skills to take them into adulthood. Faye believes that Guides is a great way to mentor and develop the next generation of women.
“Faye's selfless dedication to the Girl Guides over a lifetime is an amazing achievement. Faye is a leader in our community, without equal, her dedication to the youth, specifically the young girls and women in our community is exemplary and has inspired many generations of local women.” - Nominator
Barry and Lis Foat
Barry and Lis Foat of Bald Hills have dedicated the past 20 years to volunteering for Guide Dogs Queensland. Over this time, they have raised more than 100 puppies who have gone on to change the lives of people who are blind or vision impaired. In addition to raising puppies for Guide Dogs Queensland, Barry is a vocal advocate for community safety, continuously looking to improve his local area, particularly for those who are vision impaired. Lis who has primary responsibility for the dogs, ensures that all puppies play their part by empowering people with vison loss to achieve independence, participation, inclusion and wellbeing.
“Barry and Lis’s compassion to the Guide Dogs Queensland has impacted hundreds of lives across the Brisbane community, their dedication to this worth cause deserves recognition.” - Nominator
Mohamed Farouk Adam
After migrating from South Africa in his younger years, Farouk landed in Brisbane where he began his volunteering journey. For more than of 20 years he has volunteered in many different roles to make Brisbane a welcoming home for so many.
Farouk has been an active volunteer and executive committee member of the Kuraby mosque and helps with Iftar dinners and open days at the mosque. He has also been president of the Muslim Business Network (MBN) since 2009. The MBN is a network of Muslim men and women involved in business, profession and trade who are active in various initiatives which help advance the Muslim and wider Australian community.
“Farouk’s dedication and commitment to the Brisbane community has impacted so many lives especially within the Muslim community.” - Nominator
Leigh Chamberlain
Mrs Leigh Chamberlain has resided in Toowong for over 40 years and has dedicated a considerable amount of time to preserving history. Leigh has been involved in many community groups, including the West Toowong Community Association, the Toowong History Group and the West Toowong Bowls Club.
In 2003, Leigh was one of the authors of a book, “Toowong, A Community’s History”, which was published to commemorate the 100 years since Toowong’s proclamation as a town. In that same year she worked with a few others to set up and incorporate the Toowong and District Historical Society (TDHS) Inc.
Leigh has remained on the committee of TDHS since then and has been secretary for many years. Leigh has gone on to author and co-author several books on local history, including “Toowong: A Tram Ride from the Past”, “Toowong: Down the River Road”, and “Toowong: Bridging the Rail at Burns Road”.
Leigh has worked tirelessly to collect, record and preserve the history of the local area. One focus had been to undertake oral history recordings of older folks, so they can share their stories and their memories. Leigh is the ‘go to’ person for anyone seeking information about Toowong and its history, and she has always been very generous with her time and knowledge.
"Leigh is very passionate about Brisbane history and passing her knowledge and learnings on to future generations." - Nominator
Peter Bowden
Mr Peter Bowden has volunteered in the Parish of St Agatha's Clayfield for more than 31 years. Peter goes above and beyond for his community, ensuring the Parish always runs smoothly. During this time, Peter commits 7 days a week at the church setting up for daily services, providing support to the Parish and visiting Priests. Without Peter’s dedication to the church daily services would not be able to run.
Peter has always taken his volunteering very seriously to make sure the church is in perfect order and ready for services and events. Whatever the need, Peter has always made himself available to assist in every way he can. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Peter increased his responsibilities immensely with daily cleaning and any other extra duties that were required.
"Peter's dedication and commitment to not only his faith but his community deserves recognition. We submit this request to honour this selfless man for having given so much for so long" - Nominator
Daniel Walker
For 11 years, Daniel Walker was the President of Queensland’s oldest rugby league football club formed in 1908 - Valleys Diehards RLFC. The Walker family have brought three generations of players to the club, with Daniels's father playing in the ‘60s, Daniel started playing juniors in 1980, and his son joined in 2008. Daniel is still involved in the Executive Team as Treasurer and leader of the Senior Football Operations.
Daniel's tireless efforts and ability to connect the club and its members to its proud rich history has seen the club move from strength to strength. In 2015, Valleys Diehards returned to high level rugby league in the newly established A Grade competition and winning the Grand Final in 2017. In 2021, Valleys Diehards entered the BHP Premiership, a state-wide female competition and, in their inaugural year, were Grand Finalists.
"Danny loves Valleys Diehards RLFC and bringing the community together. Because of Danny’s hard work over many years, Valleys Diehards is a strong, successful and well-respected club in Brisbane’s sporting community. " - Nominator
Marianne Smith
Mrs Marianne Smith has dedicated more than 25 years to her community, assisting organisations and events. Since 1992, Marianne has volunteered at Queensland Cancer Council where she has been heavily involved with the organisation, administration and execution of a wide range of events. These include Australia's Biggest Morning Tea, Daffodil Day, Relay for Life and the Doorknock Appeal. In addition, Marianne has volunteered at the Murrarie Progress Association, Morningside Neighbour Watch and The Relaxation Centre. During this time, she has been very involved and taken on many committee roles, including President, Treasurer, Secretary, Co-ordinator and Management Assistant.
"Her commitment and dedication to these causes is exemplified by the appreciation awards she has received over the years" - Nominator
Margaret Powell
Margaret Powell has dedicated over 20 years to music and musicians in Brisbane. Margaret first began volunteer work while working as a Music Director at St Andrews, South Brisbane. This is where she realised that she could support music students by providing a venue for studying musicians to perform allowing them to gain essential experience in performance.
Margaret has been a driving force behind the success of Orchestra Corda Spiritus. In the mid 2000s, Margaret was able to provide this wonderful ensemble a venue to perform. Since this discovery, Margaret has gone on to virtually all the behind-the-scenes duties, all of which has been in a voluntary capacity. With Margaret's help, Orchestra Corda Spiritus has achieved great success and established itself as a pre-eminent ensemble in Brisbane, regularly appearing in the annual 4MBS Festival of Classics.
In 2021 Margaret initiated a new recital series at St Andrews, called "Sonatas in South Brisbane", which featured top musicians performing great sonatas such as the likes of oboist Frank Giraldo. Margaret found Frank living in Brisbane (working as a cleaner at the time) and aided him with finding performance opportunities. Since then, Frank has gone on to perform with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra.
"Margaret has produced at least 154 concerts over the years. This is a monumental effort and one that deserves recognition. She has done all this as a volunteer. Her drive, dedication and commitment to supporting music and musicians in Brisbane is exemplary and worthy of recognition." - Nominator
Ben Tibben
Ben is the President of Nundah Now, an incorporated organisation composed of volunteers which aims to co-ordinate social and economic development activities in the Nundah district, develop and support community networks. Nundah Now are the organisers of the much-loved annual community event, Nundah Village Street Festival.
To further support small business locally within the Nundah community, Ben launched Loving Nundah, a valued social network source and free community magazine by the locals, for locals. The Loving Nundah social media site has over 18,000 followers, which is a trusted source for small business, local events and community groups. Since launching eight years ago, Loving Nundah has evolved into the main source of events and community information in Nundah and the surrounding areas. The magazine distribution consists of a 25,000 print run.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Ben identified the effects of the pandemic on small business and community groups and created a social network to support small businesses within the community.
“Ben’s passion for his community can be seen through his continued dedication and hard work to ensure that small businesses are able to continue to thrive, whilst creating a social network to support and promote all upcoming events and news within Nundah.” – Nominator
Elizabeth Nunn
Ms Elizabeth Nunn is a public historian and great contributor to the research and community awareness of the local history in Banyo, Nudgee, Nundah, Virginia and surrounds.
Elizabeth works with not-for-profit organisations, local governments and individuals, assisting them with various history projects.
As a member of the Banyo RSL, she has written a book titled “From the Beehive to the Hornet's Nest - The impact of the First World War on a small farming community”. The publication was on behalf of the Banyo RSL Sub-Branch Anzac Centenary and is about the district's veterans who enlisted in the First World War. The book is listed on the Australian War Memorial website and contains 114 names and each entry includes service details as well as a biography.
“For more than 14 years Elizabeth has been teaching the Brisbane community about our history. Her knowledge is a testament of hard work.” - Nominator
Robyn Nalder
Ms Robyn Nalder has been President of the Gumdale and District Progress Association for over 15 years and has been heavily involved with the Association as a Historian for many years prior to this. During this time, Robyn has made a tremendous impact on the local community.
Robyn leads the Gumdale and District Progress Association to oversee and promote the running of the Gumdale Progress Hall on New Cleveland Road that is utilised by various community members. Each month, Robyn assists with the 'Gumdale Goldings', a Seniors event run by the community hall.
In addition, the Association oversees and runs a local museum to encourage respect and fascination of local history, assists the locals in raising concerns within the community, and assists community members with special needs and those who are in hardship.
"This essential work coordinated by Robyn has an enormous impact on individuals and the community as a whole. I highly recommend that Robyn receive this award for her service and work in the local community for so many years." - Nominator
Previous winners
Read about the 2021 Lord Mayor's Australia Day Award winners.
More information
For more information, phone Council on 07 3403 8888.