Infrastructure charges
Brisbane City Council levies infrastructure charges as part of the development assessment process. Charges apply when a subdivision (reconfiguring a lot), material change of use or carrying out of building work occurs, generating extra demand on trunk infrastructure networks.
- Council's current infrastructure charges
- Council’s past infrastructure charges instruments
- Infrastructure demand credits and discounts
- Infrastructure offset and refunds
- Reductions
- Brisbane Housing Supply Incentive Policy
- Deferred charges incentive for build-to-rent developments
- Expired infrastructure charges reduction initiatives
- Request for calculations
- Billing and payment process
- Records of infrastructure charges
- Infrastructure agreements
Related transactions
Brisbane’s Housing Supply Incentive Policy
An initiative under Brisbane’s Housing Supply Action Plan, Council is reducing the cost of building our city’s most needed housing developments. Brisbane’s Housing Supply Incentive Policy offers reduced infrastructure charges for eligible developments.
Charges levied by Council must be used to contribute to the provision of essential trunk infrastructure that services our growing city. Trunk infrastructure is significant infrastructure that supports large areas or catchments, for example major stormwater pipes for an entire neighbourhood. While the charges do not belong to any individual network or catchment, they are used for the three trunk infrastructure networks managed by Council:
- transport
- parks and land for community facilities
- stormwater.
Council typically spends more on the delivery of trunk infrastructure each financial year than it collects from levied charges. For further details on Council’s infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure, see records of infrastructure charges.
Since 1 July 2014, Urban Utilities has responsibility for receiving, assessing, providing advice and approving applications for water supply and sewerage networks. For enquiries relating to infrastructure charges or associated offsets, visit Urban Utilities.
Council's current infrastructure charges
Council levies infrastructure charges under the Brisbane Infrastructure Charges Resolution (Charges Resolution). Council's current Charges Resolution is the Brisbane Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No. 13) 2024, which commenced on 1 July 2024.
The increases in infrastructure charges only affect development approvals given on and from 1 July 2024. Any infrastructure charges notices given on or before 30 June 2024 will not be impacted by this change. Refer to Schedule 2 of the Charges Resolution for further information.
Key changes
Key changes compared to the previous Charges Resolution include:
- increased infrastructure charges in accordance with the Queensland Government’s Planning Act 2016 and Planning Regulation 2017
- minor administrative amendments.
Download the:
For a summary of the current charges, refer to Brisbane infrastructure charges.
Council's past infrastructure charges instruments
Details of previous infrastructure charges instruments are as follows:
Historical development application infrastructure charges
Infrastructure demand credits and discounts
Demand credits
You may receive a demand credit for the demand placed upon the local government trunk infrastructure networks generated by existing lawful development, previous lawful development, or existing lots or other development on the premises if the development can be carried out lawfully without the need for a further development permit (as applicable).
See section 16 of the Charges Resolution for more information.
Applicants seeking a demand credit as described above must complete the prescribed form B and checklist B.
You may receive a discount for infrastructure contributions previously paid (subject to eligibility requirements).
See Part 3 of the Charges Resolution for more information.
Applicants seeking a discount for a prescribed financial contribution must complete the prescribed form A and checklist A.
Infrastructure offset and refunds
An infrastructure offset may relate to an item of trunk infrastructure (land or works) identified in Council's Local Government Infrastructure Plan. This may be provided in lieu of payment of some infrastructure charges.
For infrastructure charges levied from 30 June 2014, Council generally determines infrastructure offsets and refunds in accordance with the Charges Resolutions (No. 4 or after) (see table above). For these development approvals, the relevant details are included in the Infrastructure Charges Notice (ICN).
When you make a submission to Council regarding infrastructure charges offsets and refunds, submit a prescribed form.
For infrastructure charges levied between 1 July 2011 and 29 June 2014, Council generally determines infrastructure offsets and refunds in accordance with the Charges Resolutions (No. 1, 2 or 3) (see table above). For these development approvals, an offset or refund may be agreed through an Infrastructure Agreement (IA).
For more information regarding offsets and refunds under the Charges Resolutions (No. 4 or after), refer to Part 4 of the Charges Resolution.
Charges reduction for eligible community organisations
Council has continued its initiative to provide financial assistance to eligible community organisations through reduced infrastructure charges. To apply for the charges reduction, submit an eligible organisations infrastructure charges reduction request notice, when lodging a development application with Council.
Download the:
- Infrastructure charges reduction for eligible organisations factsheet (Word - 116kb)
- Eligible organisations infrastructure charges reduction request notice (PDF - 87kb).
Brisbane Housing Supply Incentive Policy
As part of Brisbane’s Housing Supply Action Plan, Council will reduce infrastructure charges for developments of studio, one-bedroom and two-bedroom multiple dwellings in identified well-serviced growth areas.
The Brisbane Housing Supply Incentive Policy helps ease the upfront financial impacts of delivering new residential housing to support the construction of new homes sooner and meet the needs of our growing city.
Infrastructure charges reductions:
- 100% reduction for community housing providers
- 75% reduction for eligible developments approved by Council between 1 January 2022 and 31 August 2023
- 50% reduction for eligible developments approved by Council between 1 September 2023 and 30 June 2025.
Key development eligibility criteria:
- approved for a material change of use for a multiple dwelling use by 30 June 2025 (does not apply to change representations, a change application, an extension application or an appeal)
- reduction applicable to dwellings with two or less bedrooms
- located within the High density residential, Principal centre or Major centre zones, or Mixed use (Inner city) zone precinct under Brisbane City Plan 2014, or any zone if delivered by a community housing provider
- where delivered by an entity that is not a community housing provider, construction has not commenced.
For eligible developments, Council will enter into an Infrastructure Agreement under the Planning Act 2016 to reduce the infrastructure charges payable. The infrastructure charges reduction will be applied to the eligible component of development at the time of payment and prior to the application of any demand credits, discounts or infrastructure offsets.
Apply to Council for a reduction by lodging an infrastructure agreement request notice, along with any necessary supporting information to demonstrate eligibility.
For more information and the eligibility criteria:
- Download the Brisbane Housing Supply Incentive Policy (Word - 129kb).
Deferred charges incentive for build-to-rent developments
Through Brisbane’s Sustainable Growth Strategy, Council identified the need for an incentive for delivery of more build-to-rent residential accommodation to meet the needs of our growing and evolving city.
The Brisbane Build-to-Rent Incentive Policy (the policy) supports the delivery of large-scale multiple dwelling developments in appropriate locations approved by Council.
Under the policy, a build-to-rent development is a new purpose-built large scale multiple dwelling residential development in which all dwellings in the building are retained in one ownership for the purpose of being managed for a minimum of 10 years as long-term rental housing.
Key development eligibility criteria:
- approved for a material change of use for a multiple dwelling use by 30 June 2025
- located within the High density residential, Principal centre or Major centre zones, or Mixed use (Inner city) zone precinct under Brisbane City Plan 2014
- the residential component of the building is used entirely for build-to-rent purposes.
For eligible developments, Council will enter into an Infrastructure Agreement under the Planning Act 2016 to defer the payment of the infrastructure charges for up to 5 years for the build-to-rent component of the development. The deferred charges are to be paid in annual instalments following the commencement of use for the eligible development.
Council has established a special assessment unit to support the implementation of the policy for build-to-rent developments.
Apply to Council for a deferral by lodging an infrastructure agreement request notice, along with any necessary supporting information to demonstrate eligibility.
For more information and the eligibility criteria:
Expired infrastructure charges reduction initiatives
Details of expired infrastructure charges initiatives are as follows:
Incentive for green and energy efficient buildings
Council previously offered an incentive to encourage the development of green and energy efficient buildings. Applications were open between 1 July 2022 and 31 December 2024.
Charges incentive for universal housing design
Council previously offered an initiative where a financial payment was made equivalent to 33% of the Council infrastructure charge paid for qualifying new universal housing design development approvals certified ‘as built’. Under this incentive eligible developments had lawfully commenced use between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2024. The cut-off date to submit an application under this initiative was 1 October 2024.
Charges reduction for retirement and aged care accommodation
Council previously offered an initiative that reduced infrastructure charges for qualifying retirement and aged care accommodation development approvals that took effect between 1 September 2016 and 31 December 2020. The cut-off date to submit an application under this initiative was 31 December 2020, with required building work to be substantially commenced by 30 June 2022.
Charges reduction for student accommodation
Council previously offered an initiative that reduced infrastructure charges for qualifying student accommodation development approvals that took effect between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2017. The cut-off date to submit an application under this initiative was 30 June 2017 with required building work to be substantially commenced within two years of the development approval taking effect or by 30 June 2018, whichever was the earliest.
Charges reduction for four and five-star hotels
Council previously offered an initiative to reduce infrastructure charges for qualifying four and five-star hotel development approvals that took effect between:
- 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2014 inclusive; or
- 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015 inclusive, but only for development applications lodged prior to 1 July 2014, or as a result of a formal pre-lodgement meeting prior to 1 July 2014.
Request for calculations
To request an estimate of infrastructure charges for your proposed development, complete:
You can lodge this request via:
- any Regional Business Centre
- email by following Council's eLodgement electronic file requirements.
Refer to the schedule of fees and charges for the fee in 2024-25 financial year.
Billing and payment process
Council sends details of infrastructure charges via two Infrastructure Charges Notices (ICNs):
- Council networks (transport, stormwater and community purposes)
- Urban Utilities networks (water supply and sewerage).
Following the receipt of the ICN, pay your infrastructure charges for:
- a material change of use approval, the change of use happens; or
- reconfiguring a lot, Council approves the plan of reconfiguration; or
- building work, the final inspection certificate for the building work, or you receive the certificate of occupancy (formerly referred to as a certificate of classification) for the building under the Building Act 1975.
Council commenced applying indexation at the time of payment for infrastructure charges related to new development approvals issued from 23 June 2023.
Indexation is calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act 2016 and the relevant infrastructure charges resolution of Council. Any ICN given on or before 22 June 2023 will not be impacted by this change.
Before you pay
You must provide a current infrastructure charges quote before your payment can be processed.
To receive an infrastructure charges quote, you must submit your request by completing the online request form.
The Planning Act 2016 identifies the timing of payment for infrastructure charges. You can make a request for an infrastructure charges quote if the infrastructure charges will become payable within 28 days of making the request.
- To avoid delays, check the amount payable date on the infrastructure charges quote prior to attempting to pay the charges. If the date has passed, you will need a new infrastructure charges quote before you can pay.
- For infrastructure charges issued prior to August 2020, your Infrastructure Charges Notice may state an itemised breakdown is required prior to payment being made. This process has been superseded by the infrastructure charges quote process described above.
How to pay
For ICNs issued by Council, you can pay infrastructure charges at any Regional Business Centre by cash, cheque, EFTPOS (using a cheque or savings account) or EFT direct to Council's bank account. For credit and debit cards a surcharge may apply.
Records of infrastructure charges
Infrastructure Charges Register
You can view information about infrastructure charges in an extract of the Infrastructure Charges Register. This is an official record of the infrastructure charges levied by Council, in accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017. The extract is produced monthly.
Download the:
Before buying or developing a property, you can save time and money by checking for previous applications or approvals, including infrastructure charges. If you are seeking infrastructure charges information for these purposes, it is recommended that you purchase a Planning and Development Certificate. You can request a Planning and Development Certificate for a fee, in accordance with the Planning Act 2016.
Trunk Infrastructure Information reporting
Commencing from 1 January 2020, Council publishes quarterly reporting on Trunk Infrastructure Information as part of its obligations for the Infrastructure Charges Register. The Trunk Infrastructure Information Report includes details of the costs for the quarter related to trunk infrastructure provided by both developers and Council, and other details including location and whether the infrastructure is included in the Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP).
The report includes additional information such as Council-delivered infrastructure projects, that are not identified in the LGIP, but are consistent with the characteristics of trunk infrastructure typically included in the LGIP. The report is published as soon as reasonably practicable after the end of each quarter.
Download the:
Infrastructure Charges Information reporting
Council publishes annual reporting on infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure information as part of its obligations for the Infrastructure Charges Register.
The Infrastructure Charges Information reporting contains both actual and forecasted infrastructure charges revenue and trunk infrastructure expenditure information. The report includes additional information (such as Council-delivered infrastructure projects that satisfy trunk infrastructure characteristics but are not identified in the Local Government Infrastructure Plan) to assist the Infrastructure Charges Information being read in the broader context of Council's revenue and expenditure on infrastructure delivery. This report will be available before 1 December each year, in line with the amended Planning Regulation 2017 which took effect on 1 January 2020.
Download the:
Infrastructure Charges Notices
An Infrastructure Charges Notice is provided to a development applicant with the development approval package. The Infrastructure Charges Notice lets the applicant know if an infrastructure charge is applicable for the development. You can view specific development application details, including Infrastructure Charges Notices issued, using the application enquiry search tool on Council's online planning system, Development.i.
Infrastructure agreements
An infrastructure agreement is a contractual arrangement between Council and a developer that establishes obligations and entitlements for each party. It includes a schedule of infrastructure and the timings of payment of charges or provision of infrastructure.
If you wish to request to enter into an infrastructure agreement, submit the completed infrastructure agreement request notice by email:
You can obtain a copy of an infrastructure agreement from Council for a fee, or view a copy at one of Council's Regional Business Centres. To view a copy, email your request, including the address of the infrastructure agreement. Council will contact you to arrange document inspections or purchase.
More information
For more information about infrastructure charges, contact Council via:
- phone on 07 3403 8888.