Youth partners

Council works in partnership with community organisations across the city to provide inclusive, accessible and safe youth spaces.
Mt Gravatt PCYC
Mt Gravatt PCYC operates an inclusive, safe space for young people to hang out, connect with others and get involved in school holidays activities, music programs, art, competitions and events.
It provides assistance and training opportunities to young people who are looking for work, and provides connection to other services that can help. Young people are also encouraged to access the space for advice and support to get their own initiatives off the ground.
To find out more, visit the PCYC website.
Linx Youth Space, Wynnum
Linx Youth Space provides a place for young people from the Wynnum/Manly district to chill out, participate in activities and workshop, get information about other services, learn life skills and participate in cultural, art, music, sport and recreation activities.
Linx also coordinates a management team of young people. The Youth Voice committee consults with other young people to develop relevant programs based on the needs of the community, and keeps local issues heard and visible through regular Youth Voice committee meetings.
To find out more, visit the Linx Youth Space website.
Interagency networks
Council also facilitates and supports interagency networks across Brisbane that bring youth and community sector organisations together to coordinate services and respond to the needs of young people.
More information
For more information on youth interagency networks phone Council's Youth team on 07 3403 8888 or email: