Assessment Stage 1: Application

The Lodgement Support Services team review every development application submitted to Council.

For each application, an initial review determines:

  • if there are any clear gaps in the information provided
  • what expert referrals are necessary
  • if referral is required to any state government agencies
  • major and minor issues to be considered in the assessment of the application
  • who needs to approve the application.

If the submitted application does not meet the requirements for lodgement, the applicant will be asked to provide more information. Council may issue an action notice to resolve any ‘not properly made’ aspects of the application before a confirmation notice is issued. 

Once reviewed, the application is allocated to an assessment manager, and may also be referred to specialists for review.

If the application is impact-assessable, the assessment manager will send a confirmation notice to the applicant within 10 business days of the 'made' date.

For code assessable applications, the assessment manager only sends a confirmation notice if there are external referral agencies, or if the applicant has chosen to not receive an information request.

The assessment manager then assesses the application, incorporating comments from other professionals/specialists. Sometimes, an information request is sent to the applicant to obtain more information or clarification.

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.