How development applications are assessed
In Brisbane, the development application assessment process begins once an application has been 'made'. On lodgement, the application will be checked for compliance with properly made requirements and that relevant documents have been submitted with the application e.g. reports and plans. Following these checks, a fee quote will be issued for payment.
The application will be entered into Council's record keeping systems and then electronically made available to Development Services Branch Staff who are assigned to assess the application.
The development application assessment process follows set stages:
Assessment Stage 1: Application
The application is reviewed at a high level by a multi-disciplinary team and then allocated to an assessment manager.
Assessment Stage 2: Referrals
The application is sent by the applicant to all relevant external referral agencies to seek advice, approvals or permits.
Assessment Stage 3: Information request
Council may request further information from the applicant if it is considered necessary for the assessment of the development application.
Assessment Stage 4: Public notification
For some applications, the applicant or their representative will carry out public notification of the development application.
Assessment Stage 5: Decision and conditions
Council reviews all information and makes a decision to approve or refuse the application.
Assessment Stage 6: Appeals
After Council has made a decision on an application an applicant or member of the community may appeal against the Council decision in accordance with the Planning Act 2016.