Application for works on community leased and licensed premises
Before making any changes or undertaking works (other than ordinary maintenance) at your community leased/licensed premises, you must obtain Brisbane City Council approval, as landlord. This includes minor changes such as tree trimming or moving soil.
Find out more about:
- works requiring Council approval
- application process
- fees
- how to apply
- how to save your application
- common application problems
- other required approvals (including land owner's content)
- further information for specific types of projects.
Works requiring Council approval
Works requiring written approval from Council include:
- closed-circuit television (CCTV)
- fencing
- moving soil, filling/earthworks, drainage
- new building work or extensions/refurbishments to existing building/s (including re-painting)
- new lighting or replacement of existing lighting, including sports field/court lighting
- new or refurbishment of sports fields/courts
- play equipment
- signage requiring a licence, or the installation of sign infrastructure
- sports field irrigation/bores
- tree or vegetation works
- water tanks.
Unapproved works (other than ordinary maintenance) undertaken on community leased/licensed premises without prior Council consent are considered to be a major breach of your tenure agreement.
Events and festivals
For events and festivals, contact Council's Festival and Events Liaison Officer on 133 BNE (133 263) for specific advice, regardless of the number of people expected to attend the event. This officer will coordinate Council's assessment of your proposal and will advise if an entertainment event permit is required.
Visit out Event and festival planning and management page to learn more.
Approval from head tenant
If you are not the head tenant of the leased premises (you are a sub user), you must first obtain approval from the head tenant before applying to undertake works on the premises. As part of your application, you will need to attach a letter of support from the head tenant, on their official letterhead, advising Council the application is supported.
The letter of support should include details of the project and proposed scope of works.
Application process
Upon receipt of your application, we'll consult with the local Councillor about the works and any relevant Council work units. This process (assessment and response) can take up to 20 business days from receipt of a complete application that is classified as a a simple application for works. Applications that are considered complex may take longer to assess. Council will advise you of the expected timeframe for response throughout the process.
During peak periods (e.g. when grant funding becomes available), it may take longer to obtain Council approval. If you intend on applying for funding to deliver your project, make sure you submit your application for works well in advance of the grant application closing date.
To apply for Council approval, log on to the Community Leasing Information Portal and complete the online form.
Before you submit your application, make sure you:
- have followed the how to apply steps outlined below
- have read the common application problems information to ensure your application meets Council's requirements and does not hold up the approval process.
There are no fees for this application.
How to apply
Step 1 - pre-application checks
Step 1 - pre-application checks
- Discuss your project with Council to identify any site constraints you may need to consider when planning your project, and to seek advice on your proposal. If your project includes master planning, or new buildings/fields/courts/lights, it is essential you discuss your proposal with an officer from the outset.
- Check your current condition audit to see if there are maintenance works your organisation should be undertaking prior to introducing new works.
- If you are applying for a grant to fund this work, submit your application for works well in advance of submitting a grant application to Council or other organisations.
- Decide if your proposal is only for minor works (e.g. tree trimming), or if it requires more detailed project planning. For minor works, proceed to step 3.
Step 2 - planning your project
Step 2 - planning your project
Project planning is a critical part of project management and will ensure your project runs smoothly and achieves your desired outcomes in the required timeframe.
You should consider the matters outlined in the following table as part of your project planning.
Project |
Scope of works | What is the scope of works? |
Existing plans | Are there any strategic, facility/asset management plans or condition audits for the premises that should be referred to and considered in the planning process. (Ideally your organisation will have such plans in place and a copy of your latest audit to refer to.) |
Other approvals | What other approvals will the project require? (e.g. building approval, advertising sign licence) |
Plans, drawings, designs | Consider what plans, drawings and sketch designs, including site plans and existing and proposed floor plans for building work, will be required. A site plan should detail the location or positioning of the change/upgrade/new infrastructure relative to the site boundaries and other existing infrastructure. A sketch design (if appropriate) should enable Council to clearly understand what you plan to construct, including the dimensions and main features of the works. A professional draftsperson or qualified designer is recommended for large or complex projects. |
Project plan | Develop a project plan that details the scope of works, deliverables, tasks, timeframes, resources, and any other key information. Your plan should define your approach and the process you will use to manage the project. |
Budget, funding and resources | Develop an estimated project budget including items such as design and site costs, construction and demolition costs, approval fees, fit-out and contingencies. Do you have the funds available or confirmed by a funding body to undertake the works, or are you needing to apply for funding? If you need to apply for funding, consider the application and outcome notification timeframes and your contingency plan if you are unsuccessful. Do you have adequately skilled human resources to successfully plan, manage and deliver the project? Do not proceed until you have negotiated adequate human resources, including a project manager. |
Step 3 - supporting documents
Step 3 - supporting documents
Prepare the attachments required for your online application as Word, PDF or JPG files.
If you don't provide all the required attachments, your application will be deemed to be incomplete and delays in processing may occur. The assessment team needs all the necessary information to process your application.
Required attachments may include:
Aerial photo | You can use Council's interactive mapping or other online mapping tools to create this plan. Mark-ups on the aerial photo can be hand-drawn. As a minimum, the plan needs to show and be clearly labelled with:
Quotes | If you have any quotes for the project, attach them to your application. |
Plans of proposal | Provide plans for the proposal, particularly if you are proposing new building work, extending an existing building, undertaking filling or earthworks, making internal building changes or installing sports field irrigation. |
For sub tenants | Provide a letter from the head tenant (on their official letterhead) detailing their support for your proposed project, including the scope of the works agreed to. |
Lighting projects | For lighting projects, there can be two application types:
Step 4 - apply to undertake works on a community leased/licensed premises
Step 4 - apply to undertake works on a community leased/licensed premises
Log into the Community Leasing Information Portal and complete the online application, including your supporting documents.
If you are experiencing difficulty accessing or using this form, phone Council on 07 3403 8888.
How to save your application
Each time you save the form you will be advised of the new expiry date and time of the saved form.
Common application problems
Find out about common problems that can lead to a delay with the processing of an application for works on a community leased/licensed site.
Insufficient information
Insufficient information
Often applications contain insufficent information to assess a proposal, including:
- poor project details
- inadequate plans
- incomplete application form
- little or no supporting information
- conflicting reports and plans.
An application for works may be refused or delayed if required information is inadequate or insufficient.
Poor quality plans
Poor quality plans
The type of plans you need to submit will depend on your proposal. For example, minor works may only required an in-house plan. More complex projects will require plans prepared by qualified design consultants.
Good quality plans include all dimensions, building/structure height/s, boundary setbacks and include all relevant details such as natural features, proposed development, elevations, floor plans (if applicable), location of car parks, and any other relevant information.
Unacceptable impacts
Unacceptable impacts
You need to ensure your proposed development does not result in unacceptable impacts on the surrounding area. Your application must show evidence of minimising, as far as practicable, hazards and impacts created by the proposed works.
Unsatisfactory impacts may include:
- loss of protected vegetation
- inability to adequately handle stormwater discharge
- poor quality design leading to excessive impacts such as noise, overshadowing, or reduced access to sunlight.
If you project is an impact assessment development, it will need to undergo public notification. Delays can occur when public submissions are received raising concerns about your development.
Prior to lodging your application, you may wish to discuss your proposed development with your neighbours and other potentially impacted parties. By doing this, you:
- let people know of your intentions
- can consider any concerns your neighbours have about the proposal.
If your proposal could potentially impact on neighbours, you may wish to seek a letter of support from them to support your application.
Other required approvals
As well as Council's approval as landlord, you may need other approvals from Council as local authority for your project, including:
- land owner's consent
- development approval
- advertising sign licence
- exemption certification for a local heritage place.
Council will advise you about any other requirements when you are advised about the outcome of your application for works on a community lease site.
Where applicable you may also need to engage a town planner regarding development approval and a private building certifier to obtain building approval.
Land owner's consent
Once you have obtained Council approval as landlord, you may also need to obtain land owner's consent from Council.
Land owner's consent is required as part of lodging a development application. It is also needed if you are submitting a request to Urban Utilities for new water connections or applying to the Queensland Government for a heritage exemption certificate.
If you require Council's consent as land owner, complete the relevant form (e.g. DA Form 1) and send it to Council for processing.
Further information for specific types of projects
Find more information for specific types of projects, works, or site conditions:
- car parking, driveways, and traffic management
- closed landfill management
- heritage
- reducing utility costs (electricity and water)
- shipping containers
- signage
- sports field and hard-court lighting
- sports field management
- trees/vegetation
More information
For more advice on works that require approval, planning your project, preparing a works application and obtaining approval:
- log on to the Community Leasing Information Portal
- phone Council on 07 3403 8888.
Once you have obtained written approval for works from Council, as landlord, you can:
- proceed with your project (if no other approvals are required), or
- proceed to the next step (e.g. get advice regarding the development approval process).