Norman Creek 2012-2031 Project

Brisbane City Council's Norman Creek 2012-2031 project aims to return the Norman Creek catchment to a more natural state. It also aims to revitalise it to be an environmental and recreational asset.

This project covers an entire catchment of almost 30 square kilometres. It is the first whole of catchment urban water resources management project in Australia. It will draw together all existing plans, ideas and rehabilitation activities to create a ‘big picture’ guide for the future of the catchment.

The project goals focus on:

  • improvements to the health of the waterways and ecosystems
  • sport and recreation opportunities
  • living with Brisbane’s climate - flood and drought
  • strengthening community connections (physical and social) within the catchment.

Council's vision for the Norman Creek catchment is to create a place with:

  • bikeways and footpaths connected to waterways
  • accessible boardwalks and viewing platforms
  • improved park and recreation spaces alongside creeks and healthy waterways
  • shady sub-tropical habitats
  • homes, buildings and neighbourhoods designed with water in mind and are resilient during times of drought and flood.

Norman Creek 2012-2031 will work towards creating a water smart community engaged in water issues.

Norman Creek 2012-2031 Master Plan

The Norman Creek 2012-2031 Master Plan outlines key initiatives aimed at rejuvenating the Norman Creek catchment. It guides long-term investment and community actions by outlining what is possible and where to focus our efforts in one of Brisbane's most urbanised catchments. The Master Plan outlines the 20-year project designed to achieve multiple outcomes for the city. These include:

  • strengthening Brisbane's economy
  • improving access and inclusion for all residents, and
  • making the city cleaner and greener.

Norman Creek catchment area map

View the Norman Creek catchment area in a larger map.

Project phases

Norman Creek 2012-2031 is a long-term plan. Future works and new facilities will depend on feedback from the wider community and their aspirations for the area.

The table below indicates when each phase of Norman Creek 2012-2031 will occur.

1. Vision and concept plan

Council first prepared a vision and concept plan for the project in 2011. We worked closely with people who live and work in the Norman Creek catchment, including members of community groups. This document captured early community ideas and articulated a broad vision to guide future activities.

Complete: Council released the draft vision and concept plan for public consultation in July 2011 and finalised in November 2011.

Key stakeholders, including a community reference group, provided input into the development of the draft vision and concept plan for the rejuvenation of the Norman Creek catchment.

Jul - Nov 2011
2. Master planning

Council released the Norman Creek 2012-2031 draft Master Plan for public comment in September 2012. Council considered feedback during the three-month consultation period when finalising the plan. You can find out more about the key initiatives Council considered for the Norman Creek catchment. You can also read the Master Plan.

Complete: The Master Plan was informed by the vision and concept plan and input from key stakeholders and technical experts.

Council released the draft Master Plan for public consultation in September 2012.

The final Master Plan was complete in early 2013.

Nov 2011 to early 2013
3. Design and implementation

Current stage: Master Plan implementation commenced in early 2013. 

Council completed the first priority precinct, Coorparoo Creek Park - Stage 1 in January 2017. Coorparoo Creek downstream works completed in September 2017.

Council completed the second priority precinct, Hanlon Park / Bur'uda - June 2022.

Following completion of this work, Council identified Woolloongabba, Kingfisher Creek as the next priority precinct. Woolloongabba is the third priority precinct to be delivered from the Norman Creek Master Plan. 

Council completed revitalisation works at Glindemann Park, Holland Park in late June 2018. Council will keep key stakeholders and the public informed of progress and works. They are committed to the ongoing delivery of the Master Plan.

2013 to 2031

You can download the key initiatives of the Norman Creek Master Plan (Word - 204kb).

More information

For more information:

  • email the project team
  • phone Council on 07 3403 8888
  • write to:
    Norman Creek 2012-2031 Project team
    Brisbane City Council
    GPO Box 1434
    Brisbane Qld 4001.
Last updated:

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