Brisbane Severe Weather Alert - terms and conditions
- The Brisbane Severe Weather Alert is a service intended to provide to subscribers, via alert messages sent through a system operated by The Weather Company Pty Limited ACN 078 711 930 trading as Weatherzone, early warning of potential emergency and/or severe natural disaster and weather events relevant to a chosen location based on information from publicly available sources.
- Council-initiated alert messages may be distributed, through the Weatherzone system, to Brisbane subscribers by, or at the request of, Brisbane City Council.
- While Weatherzone and Brisbane City Council endeavour to provide a service of a high quality, no such system can claim to be completely accurate or failsafe. For that reason, if you subscribe to this warning alert service you:
- acknowledge and accept that:
- reasonable endeavours will be taken to provide warning alerts to subscribers at the earliest opportunity
- the messaging media utilised is neither real-time nor instantaneous
- this service uses the best available information however Council strongly recommends the use of supplementary information to inform decision making such as observations of immediate surroundings, news sources, radio and information from the Bureau of Meteorology website
- you are responsible for updating your registered contact details, if and when they change.
- expressly agree that Brisbane City Council and Weatherzone will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered, incurred or sustained by you in connection with this warning alert service, which includes, but is not limited to, any loss or damage arising from:
- the failure or delay in warning you of an event
- provision of an alert that warns of an event that fails to materialise
- the interpretation of the magnitude or severity of an event
- any inaccuracies in the predictions of the location of an event or
- any negligence on the part of Brisbane City Council or Weatherzone.
- acknowledge and agree that Brisbane City Council holds the benefit of these terms and conditions on behalf of Brisbane City Council and Weatherzone.
Nothing in these terms and conditions is to be construed as limiting or derogating from your rights under the Australian Consumer Law.
- acknowledge and accept that:
- Alerts will only be received for nominated addresses within Brisbane Local Government Area.
- The Brisbane Severe Weather Alert Creek Flooding alerts rely on local automated rainfall and water level gauges located near waterways. While Council is committed to quality service to its customers and makes every attempt to ensure accuracy, currency and reliability of the data, false alerting may be triggered by gauge malfunctions, environmental factors or technical maintenance.
- To change your alert registration details, login to your Brisbane Severe Weather Alert account or contact Council.
- To unsubscribe to this service, go to Brisbane Severe Weather Alert and unsubscribe by accessing your registration information or contact Brisbane City Council (07 3403 8888).
- To view Brisbane City Council's Privacy Policy, visit Council's Privacy, copyright and disclaimer statements.