A City for Everyone: Inclusive Brisbane Plan 2019-2029 - 03 Live - Future actions

Everyone can access Brisbane’s parks, buildings and community facilities.

Council will focus on two strategies and deliver actions by leveraging the roles of partner, provider, facilitator, regulator, funder and advocate.

Make Brisbane a more accessible and welcoming place to live and visit.

  • Provide signage and public artwork across suburbs that reflect the significance ofAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and make everyone feel welcome.
  • Fund enhanced accessibility features at environment centres’ walking trails.
  • Provide new designs for Council signage in parks and public spaces that feature more images and symbols than solely English text, so everyone can understand the information.
  • Facilitate access to Kangaroo Point Cliffs for people of all abilities, supporting the Kangaroo Point Bridge project.
  • Provide enhancements in suburban parks to support communities to gather, socialise and be active.
  • Provide more accessible adult change facilities (public toilets for people with profound disability that contain full-sized change tables and hoists) in parks and community facilities, including potential mobile facilities at festivals and events.
  • Facilitate smarter use of Council land to maximise benefits for the whole community, such as using sports facilities for festivals, food events, active and healthy programs, markets and other community activities.
  • Partner with community organisations to explore the delivery of quiet spaces in public places to meet the needs of residents with diverse sensory requirements.
  • Provide enhanced accessibility to outdoor gym equipment in parks.
  • Partner with community organisations to pilot opportunities to improve customer experiences at busy events for residents with hidden disabilities.
  • Provide enhanced accessibility at Riverstage to ensure everyone can participate in, and view performances.
  • Facilitate the sharing of information about commercial-size community cooking, workshop and retail spaces so that large groups can utilise affordable and accessible spaces that encourage community-led initiatives.
  • Provide a review of Council grant application processes that increase opportunities for everyone to access information and put forward project ideas that build inclusive communities.
  • Facilitate local businesses, government and not-for-profit organisations to increase the sustainability of access to affordable healthy and nutritious food.
  • Provide information on the accessibility of Council facilities such as the availability of ramps, elevators and accessible toilets so that residents can make informed choices that meet individual needs.
  • Provide enhancements to key public gardens to meet the needs of people with diverse abilities.

Broaden Brisbane’s housing options.

  • Provide a Brisbane housing strategy that encourages diversity and choice in housing for Brisbane residents.
  • Provide education, guidelines, incentives and recognition to the development sector to increase opportunities for the delivery of more accessible dwellings.
  • Provide support for new, innovative and sustainable solutions to address the community issue of homelessness.
  • Provide encouragement for the delivery of accessible and inclusive buildings that also deliver community land uses and improve connectivity within neighbourhoods.
  • Provide resources to support development applications for housing that meets the needs of people participating in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
  • Advocate to other levels of government for increased investment in social housing.
  • Advocate to other levels of government for accessibility standards that reflect LivableHousing Australia guidelines.
  • Advocate for community organisations to expand home-share programs that enable the sharing of accommodation for people in need.
Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.