Historical Organisation Assistance Grant Program Guidelines

The Historical Organisation Assistance Grant Program provides multi-year funding to build the sustainability and capacity of community-based, not-for-profit cultural heritage and historical organisations in delivering history and heritage activities that bring Brisbane’s stories to life and enables a deeper connection to place.

This Program will provide an opportunity for organisations to apply for triennial funding of between $2,000 and $10,000 per year.

Learn about the Historical Organisation Assistance Grant Program:


Brisbane City Council recognises the significant contributions of cultural heritage and historical organisations in promoting and linking residents and visitors to Brisbane’s history and heritage. 

Cultural heritage and historical organisations play a critical role in celebrating and sharing Brisbane’s history and help to connect people with Brisbane’s rich cultural heritage by ensuring cultural facilities, performances, events and exhibitions are available to residents and visitors. Brisbane City Council is committed to ensuring Brisbane’s history and heritage continue to be valued, protected and enjoyed.

The Historical Organisation Assistance Grant Program provides funding to successful applicant organisations whose primary purpose is to ensure the conservation, access to and promotion of locally significant cultural heritage items, collections, places and events.


The Historical Organisation Assistance Grant Program provides triennial funding to Brisbane-based not for profit cultural heritage and historical organisations to build their heritage economy so that they can:

  • continue to operate and grow
  • build stronger, more resilient organisations to achieve long-term sustainability
  • increase the skills and capacity of organisations and their staff
  • preserve Brisbane’s cultural heritage and history and ensure it remains accessible to the Brisbane community.

Eligibility and grant requirements

Who can apply?

An applicant must:

  • be a not-for-profit organisation; or be auspiced by a not-for-profit organisation that is registered or is eligible for registration under the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (Cth) where the organisation (and its auspice organisation, where applicable) is based and currently operating in the Brisbane Local Government Area (LGA).
  • have as one of its primary objectives, the purpose of promoting and fostering Brisbane’s culture and caring for, preserving and protecting Brisbane’s heritage
  • operate a facility within the Brisbane LGA that is intrinsically linked to Brisbane’s history and/or heritage and that is open to the general public for regular hours each week (not by appointment only) 
  • have a public engagement program
  • not have any overdue Council grant acquittals or outstanding debts with Council.

What are the requirements?

  • Only one application per organisation can be submitted
  • An application must seek funding for core business activities only.
  • An application that nominates an auspice not-for-profit organisation must include a letter from that auspice not-for-profit organisation signed by the Chair, President or Chief Executive Officer (or equivalent) of the auspice organisation, agreeing to auspice the proposal
  • An application must not include a request to fund any of the same activities that were supported in a previous funding grant round
  • An application that nominates an auspice not-for-profit organisation must also provide evidence that the auspice not-for-profit organisation is based and currently operating in the Brisbane LGA. That organisation may also currently operate outside the Brisbane LGA. 

Ineligible applications

An application will be deemed ineligible if it:

  • seeks funding for activities outside of the organisation’s core business 
  • is incomplete or submitted after the closing date and time
  • is for or on behalf of political organisations
  • is for an individual(s)
  • is for or on behalf of a for-profit organisation
  • is for activities, events or operation of facility for Queensland or Australian Government departments
  • is for activities, events or operation of facility for government educational institutions
  • is for organisations that are not based, and do not currently operate in part or whole, within the Brisbane LGA
  • seeks funding for the same purpose as previously granted by Council
  • is for an organisation that has previously been successful in obtaining Council grants but has outstanding acquittals.

The following will NOT be funded:

  • sponsorship, prizes, award ceremonies, fundraisers, events, or competitions
  • hospitality i.e. food and alcohol costs
  • travel costs and allowances
  • donations to individuals or organisations
  • private collections
  • family history research
  • memorials and plaques
  • capital works e.g. new developments (see glossary)
  • retrospective funding i.e. where the organisation has committed to expenditure prior to the notification date
  • proposals that do not meet the Program objectives
  • activities or projects currently financially supported by Council
  • salaries and wages of staff
  • rates
  • rent
  • contingency costs.


Organisations may apply for grant funding for a 3 year term for a minimum of $2,000 to a maximum of $10,000 per annum for the 3 year term.

The Historical Organisation Assistance Grant Program will support investment in long-term organisational viability, sustainability and capacity building by funding expenses attributable to:

  • heritage economy
  • core business
  • facility maintenance
  • exhibition and display maintenance and development
  • governance and organisational development
  • training and development
  • business planning
  • asset management
  • updating organisational constitutions
  • marketing and communications, including social media and online sales options.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • building digital capacity and/or website development
  • management systems to improve finances and attendance
  • strategic and operational planning including commercialisation of the product and/or diversification of revenue streams
  • marketing and communications plans
  • policy and procedure development
  • collections care and product development
  • improving public opportunities to view collections
  • significance assessments and preservation needs assessments
  • conservation activities and collection management
  • staff professional development, including lectures, education, training and workshops
  • utilities such as electricity, gas, water, telephone and internet costs
  • stationery and postage
  • photocopying
  • contractor and professional service costs
  • insurance
  • audit fees
  • accountancy services.

This is not an exhaustive list and applicants are welcome to contact a Creative Sector Development Coordinator to discuss their application and eligibility.

A triennial funding grant will be conditional on:

  • the applicant’s compliance with these grant guidelines and the terms and conditions of the Funding Agreement
  • delivering agreed outcomes verified through an annual acquittal 
  • the organisation continuing to work towards self-sustainability.


If the applicant organisation or the applicant’s auspice organisation is GST registered, 10% GST will be added to the funding provided as an itemised GST gross-up.

Where not GST registered, 10% GST will be added to the funding provided, but will not be itemised as GST.

For advice on GST, contact a tax advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 24 78 or visit their website at www.ato.gov.au.

Assessment criteria and process

Applications are encouraged from organisations that can demonstrate how the funding supports their core business to deliver upon the Program objectives. Applications must articulate the activities that will be funded and how they will contribute to the long-term sustainability of the organisation.

Eligible applications will be assessed by the Assessment Committee against the assessment criteria.

This table provides information on the selection criteria for eligible applications.
Criterion numberCriteriaPercentage

Merit (what is the outcome if funding is provided?)

  • Does the application clearly and realistically articulate the issues impacting on the sustainability of the organisation?
  • Do the proposed activities during the term have the potential to address the identified need?

Benefit and value (why is this funding important, what is the impact?)

  • Is there a demonstrated community need and benefit for the organisation’s services and/or facility?
  • Is there a compelling rationale that Historical Organisation Assistance Grant Program funding will improve the viability of the organisation and materially impact long-term outcomes through improved sustainability?

Capacity (can you deliver it?)

  • Is the proposal clearly planned?
  • Is there evidence of commitment to the proposal from the Board (or Executive or senior management if the organisation does not have a Board)?
  • Is the budget fair and reasonable for the proposal, including the cost of external expertise?

Application planning

Before commencing an application, review and consider the assessment criteria and include in the application:

  • a description of the organisation’s current capacity and operations (e.g. business structure, hours of operation, volunteer hours and number of attendees/visitors)
  • a compelling rationale, including evidence of need
  • a description of the proposed activities and proposed outcomes and benefits
  • evidence of planning and delivery mechanisms, including timelines and proposed personnel
  • a realistic budget accompanied by quotes, previous expenses, any in-kind contributions or support, or other evidence
  • curriculum vitaes of specialists required to undertake the work, if relevant
  • a description of the impact the funding is expected to have on the applicant organisation
  • letters of support from any external providers named in the proposal
  • confirmation of commitment letter to the proposal from the Board, Executive or senior management of the not-for-profit organisation or auspice not-for-profit organisation.

Following the initial assessment by the Assessment Committee, it will provide recommendations to the Comparative Assessment Committee for review before presentation to Council’s delegate. Council’s delegate makes the final decision regarding funding allocation. All decisions are final and there will be no review or appeal process.

This grant is competitive with eligible applications considered and ranked against the assessment criteria, therefore, not all eligible applications will be awarded funding.

Application process

How to apply

All applications are to be submitted via the online application system, SmartyGrants. Applications will only be accepted if submitted via the online application form and associated templates. The online application system will allow an applicant to save, develop and print out applications before they submit them. Support material can also be attached to the online application.

Once an application is submitted through SmartyGrants, an applicant will receive an email confirming receipt of the application. The submitted application will be kept confidential and the contents will not be disclosed to any person outside the application and assessment process.

Apply now


This grant is for three years of funding. The budget spend must align with the funding dates in the below table. 

YearFunding datesAcquittal due
11 June 2025 to 31 May 20261 June 2026
21 June 2026 to 31 May 20271 June 2027
31 June 2027 to 31 May 20281 June 2028

Assessment outcomes

The applicant will receive a letter advising whether its application was successful or unsuccessful by late May 2025. 

The list of successful applicants will be published on Council’s website.

Successful applicants

Once an application is successful, in order to receive the funding, the applicant must sign the Funding Agreement provided by Council to the applicant and return it to Council. Funding will be paid to the successful applicant once Council has received the validly executed Funding Agreement. 

Successful applicants must: 

  • expend the approved funding in accordance with the contents of the submitted application approved by Council for the provision of a grant
  • comply with the terms and conditions of the Funding Agreement (including any applicable special conditions) 
  • if a variation is required, submit a variation to Council seeking approval for any variations to the Funding Agreement, including as to how the funding is expended. Any variation must first be approved by Council in writing before the applicant may act or rely upon the variation
  • comply with any current and approved Funding Agreement variations
  • fully acquit the grant to Council in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Funding Agreement.


You can request a grant agreement variation to: 

  • adjust activity milestones 
  • extend the timeframe for a reasonable period to allow completion of the activity 
  • make minor changes to grant activities (only for unforeseeable events) 
  • make changes to activity personnel 
  • change allocations across approved budget line items (if over 10% of the total grant – budget reallocations to approved budget lines under 10% of the total grant do not require formal approval). 

To propose changes to the grant agreement, the applicant must complete a Request for Variation form via SmartyGrants. 

Do not assume that a variation request will be successful. Council will decide at its complete discretion whether to accept or deny a variation request, with consideration being given to factors such as: 

  • how it affects the activity outcome 
  • whether it is consistent with the grant objectives
  • whether it’s within the grants permitted timeframe.

Unsuccessful applicants

Unsuccessful applicants may seek feedback on its application by contacting a Council Grants Officer.

Applicants may wish to consider submitting the application to another grants program.

Brisbane City Council now provides access to Funding Finder, a national database of grant and funding opportunities for local businesses, community groups and not-for-profits.

Funding Finder provides a comprehensive list of grant and funding opportunities available to you. Register to receive email alerts for new grants, save your favourites and access tips to help you apply for grants.


The successful applicant must provide a completed Acquittal to Council every 12 months for each year of funding. The Acquittal must detail the outcomes and how the funding was spent. It must demonstrate that funding has been used for the purpose for which it was provided; include a report of financial transactions and provide evidence that the funding achieved its intended objectives. As part of the Acquittal the successful applicant will then detail proposed funding expenditure for the next year including outcomes, budget, supporting documentation and invoice. 

Successful applicants will receive a link to the Acquittal that will be attached to their application in SmartyGrants.


Further information is available by phoning Council on 07 3403 8888 and asking to speak with a Creative Sector Development Coordinator.

People with a hearing impairment or speech impairment can contact Council through the National Relay Service (NRS):

  • TTY users phone 13 36 77 then ask for 07 3403 8888
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 07 3403 8888
  • internet relay users connect to the NRS (www.relayservice.com.au) and then ask for 07 3403 8888.

This information is available in other languages by contacting the Translating and Interpreter Services on 13 14 50 and asking to be connected to Council on 07 3403 8888. All enquiry services are free.

Refer to the SmartyGrants help guide for technical assistance when submitting an application. The SmartyGrants support desk is open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday, on 03 9320 6888 or by email.

Terms and conditions

Successful applicants must abide by these terms and conditions of the Grant and the executed funding agreement. 

Only Council has authority to approve funding. Approval of funding does not imply that Council has given any other consent, permission, approval or licence that may be required as part of the applicant’s funding proposal.


This Glossary contains terms and phrases applicants may need to be familiar with when planning an application.

Acquittal means the form provided via SmartyGrants that a successful applicant must complete to accurately report on the expenditure of Council’s funding during the previous 12 months, the activities undertaken, the outcome of the funded activities, and evaluation of the activities. The Acquittal includes provision of certified financial statements. 

Assessment criteria are the specified principles or standards against which the applications will be judged. The criteria are also used to assess the merits of proposals and to determine application rankings.

Assessment process is the process whereby applications are assessed against the assessment criteria under these guidelines and a determination is made for recommendation to Council’s delegate.

Assessment Committee is comprised of Council officers, who are selected for their experience and knowledge, and assess grant applications for funding against the assessment criteria. 

Auspice organisation is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation with an ABN that accepts and manages the legal and financial responsibility of the funding on behalf of the unincorporated not-for-profit organisation. The auspice organisation must be based and currently operating within the Brisbane LGA. That auspice organisation may also operate outside the Brisbane LGA. 

An auspice organisation is responsible for providing a financial report on the completion of a grant. It is not responsible for the artistic direction or quality of the funding application. 

Australian Business Number (ABN) is a unique 11-digit number that identifies a business to the government and community. The name of the applicant must exactly match the name of the ABN and the name of the bank account Council pays the grant funding into. 

Capacity building is a term that references the opportunity for organisations to identify training and capability development that will further benefit the aims of the organisation and its ability to successfully deliver its services.

Capital works are works undertaken to create a new asset or space, or to change the use, function or layout of an existing asset or space.

Comparative Assessment Committee is an internal Council group whose role is to undertake a review of the Assessment Committee funding recommendations.

Core business refers to the activities of an organisation that incur fixed costs or discretionary costs which cannot be attributed to a specific project. Fixed costs are costs that would be incurred by the organisation, even if the organisation’s projects did not eventuate. However, for clarity, this does not include rent or wages. 

Eligible application means that both the applicant and the purpose satisfies the grant guidelines requirements and other conditions for funding.

Facility maintenance is defined as work on existing infrastructure undertaken with the intention of:

  • reinstating the physical condition to a specified standard or replacement of like for like
  • preventing further deterioration or failure
  • undertaking repairs for health, safety and/or security reasons.

Funding Agreement is the binding agreement between Council and a successful applicant under this grant Program and which contains obligations relating to the grant of funding including any special conditions that may be applicable.

Governance is the way a committee works to inform, direct, manage and monitor the activities of the organisation toward the achievement of its objectives. This includes the organisation’s structure and processes.

GST stands for goods and services tax payable pursuant to the GST Laws. 

GST Laws mean the GST law (as defined by A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth)) together with all other laws and regulations which impose or regulate the implementation and operation of the GST.

In-kind contribution or in-kind support is the dollar value of non-cash contributions e.g. office space, staff time or voluntary labour that would otherwise have needed to be paid for. It includes volunteer labour, administrative support, rent-free accommodation or donations of materials or equipment. These contributions should be given a dollar value and must be included in the proposed budget.

Heritage economy is the outcome of developing new approaches to the commercialisation of an organisation’s heritage product. This includes but is not limited to increasing revenue streams & building digital capacity.

Letter of support is a letter of endorsement or commitment to the proposal from partners, other organisations and/or elected officials.

Organisational development references the opportunity for organisations to identify training and capability development that will further benefit the governance of the organisation.

Not-for-profit organisation means organisations where the constitution states that any profits or surpluses must be used to further the objectives of the organisation rather than benefit an individual or group of individuals.

They can be structured as an unincorporated association; incorporated association, companies limited by guarantee, Indigenous corporations, a 
co-operative, or a charity. 

Quote is the estimated price of a job or service. Quotes are required in the application to substantiate budget expenses. 

SmartyGrants is the online application portal used to receive applications. Applicants register creating a username and password to access the relevant application forms and documents.

Variation Approval from Council is required if there are any changes to the funding, prior to proceeding with the amendment. 

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.