Environment Grants guidelines
The Environment Grants are part of the Community and Environment Grants program.
Learn about the Environment Grants:
- Aim
- Introduction
- What can be funded
- Eligible applications
- Ineligible applications
- Funding considerations
- Financial arrangements
- Assessment process
- Application process
- Enquiries
- Terms and conditions
- Glossary
Aim of the Environment Grants
Environment Grants enable community groups and non-profit organisations to deliver environmental initiatives and develop and maintain community gardens on Council-owned land, within the Brisbane City Council (Council) local government area (LGA).
The program aims to deliver outcomes in alignment with the Brisbane Vision, to be a clean, green and sustainable city by supporting projects that relate to:
- Biodiversity, including:
- bushland, wetlands and coastal ecosystem/habitat conservation
- fauna and flora protection and conservation
- environmental monitoring and reporting, which must be consistent with Queensland Government’s current biocondition monitoring and evaluation methodology
- ethnobiology e.g. promoting an appreciation of the cultural heritage of biological knowledge in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
- operational and administration expenses to deliver environmentally based projects.
Community Gardens including:
- Brisbane's community garden groups to undertake activities that establish, further develop and/or maintain the community garden sites
- in administering the community garden and its volunteers
- in providing opportunities for education, skills development and group development for the members of the community garden group
- in providing opportunities for wider community garden groups to undertake events, publicity and programs that increase community involvement and education about the gardens and their activities
- in developing community partnerships and networks.
What can be funded?
Specific funding is available for environmental on-ground projects and events from $1,000 and up to $20,000 to fund materials and services that are to be used directly for the nominated project.
- Materials include, but are not limited to:
- local native plants
- tree bags, weed mat, mulch, water crystals
- materials designed to protect and assist plant growth
- wildlife-friendly fencing to assist with natural regeneration
- products for weed control such as herbicide.
- Services include, but are not limited to:
- laboratory test costs (up to $500) for the evaluation and monitoring of biodiversity
- wildlife monitoring and reporting
- contractor services to enable the delivery of the project e.g. bush regeneration
- contractor service costs for the marketing and development of promotional material e.g. a graphic designer used to create flyers, advertising, etc. for projects and events
- the materials associated with the development, printing and promotion of educational resources for the project or event
- project staff costs to achieve identified actions or tasks to deliver a nominated project e.g. the nominated project or event management, coordination of volunteers for events.
- Note: costs for project staff are limited to a maximum of half the allocated funds for a project and are to be directly attributed to the nominated project and separate from general running and operations of a non-profit organisation.
- While contractor and project staff costs can be funded, preference will be given to applications that demonstrate a high level of community involvement in the project.
- Equipment or plant costs:
- to be bought specifically for the delivery of a nominated project and that can be reused in another project at another time e.g. mulch forks, rakes and herbicide spray equipment etc. (up to $1,000 and 10% of total project costs, whichever is less). Note: equipment does not include electrical equipment such as computers and data projectors.
- Vehicle costs required to complete the nominated project (up to $500).
- Catering that is directly supporting the outcome of the project (up to $200). Note: alcohol will not be funded.
- Nursery operations – that produce local native plants for distribution to the general public or for use within on-ground restoration projects located within the LGA.
Cultivating Community Gardens
Cultivating Community Gardens specific funding is available for new or existing community gardens projects that range from $1,000 to a maximum of $2,500 to fund materials and services that are to be used directly for the nominated project.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- tools, materials and equipment that are directly used in completing the project. Note: materials such as timbers or sleepers must not be treated with chromated copper arsenate
- services relating to the establishment/maintenance of the garden
- facilities and structures that are essential to the functioning of the garden
- education and awareness designed to develop skills of group members
- publicity and programs that increase wider community involvement and education about the gardens and their activities
- operating or administration expenses associated with the development, implementation and completion of the project
- materials and plumbing costs to construct a small-scale raingarden; raised garden beds which use plants and free draining soils to capture, filter and treat pollutants typically found in stormwater.
Category 2 – Operational and administrative expenses (Not available for Cultivating Community Gardens applicants)
This category is available to support operational and administration expenses of community groups to the value of $8,000. These costs must be attributable to activities and community services performed by the group within the LGA and have an environmental focus.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- telephone and internet costs
- website development
- electricity/gas/fuel
- postage
- photocopying
- cleaning products
- stationery
- contractor costs e.g. for grant writing
- audit fees (up to $500)
- accountancy services (up to $500)
- rent (up to $500).
NOTE: Your application must articulate the environmental projects and activities your organisation would provide during the year, with the support of operational and administration funding.
Eligible applications
The organisation must be a not-for-profit community-based group that is incorporated or be auspiced by a non-profit incorporated body that is able to accept legal and financial responsibility for the project and its activities.
Grants will only be available to organisations where projects and administration expenses are delivering or supporting projects that are based within the LGA.
Applicants (and their auspice) must not have outstanding debts or overdue, unacquitted grants with Council.
On-ground projects must be carried out on Council land and be accompanied by written approval from the local Council land manager or Regional Council Coordinator (land manager representative). Please include a signed letter or evidence of approval with your application.
Environmental projects will only be eligible if the project is located within the LGA and 200 metres seaward from the lowest astronomical tide.
Community gardens must be prepared to register on the Council community gardens webpage, indicating their openness for involvement of the wider community in their garden.
Ineligible applications
The following will NOT be funded.
- Projects that have already commenced or projects to which your organisation has committed expenditure before the grant round notification date.
- Projects that are the core responsibility of other levels of government e.g. the Queensland Government’s Department of Education and Training.
- Projects, activities and community services that occur outside the Brisbane LGA.
- Applications that require ongoing funding, unless the source of ongoing funding is assured.
- Donations to individuals or organisations.
- Specific to Environmental projects:
- More than 10% of the total project costs towards capital expenditure that are essential to the completion of the project e.g. garden tools and equipment.
- Specific to Cultivating Community Gardens projects:
- projects located on creek banks, footpaths or road reserves
- staff project costs
- European bee hives
- timbers treated with copper chromated arsenate.
Funding considerations
Grants are a competitive process and applications that are eligible and meet the assessment criteria are not guaranteed funding. As a guide, Category 1 will be allocated 60% of the funds for distribution to projects requesting on-ground support, and in Category 2, 40% of the funds will be distributed to operational and administrative expenses. This allocation is subject to the number and quality of applications received.
In some cases, successful applicants may receive a percentage of the total sought, rather than the full amount of funding. If your project cannot proceed without full funding, this should be indicated in your application.
Environmental projects - The applicant must provide a co-contribution to meet the full costs of all projects. This could be cash or in-kind contributions. The applicant must be able to demonstrate that such funds are assured. If the applicant is unable to provide such co-contributions a rationale must be provided.
Community Gardens - Council may fund the full cost of a project, however applications that include contributions from the applicant are encouraged. The applicant's contribution may be cash, other funding assistance or in-kind support (e.g. voluntary labour).
Financial arrangements
If you are successful in obtaining a grant, Council will send you a Funding Agreement that must be completed and returned before funding will be provided.
Goods and services tax (GST)
If you or your auspice are GST registered, 10% GST will be added to your grant as an itemised GST gross-up.
If you or your auspice are not GST registered, 10% GST will be added to your grant, but not itemised as GST.
For advice on GST, please contact your tax advisor, visit the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website.
Assessment process
Provided the eligibility criteria for making a grant application under these guidelines are satisfied, the project will be assessed against the following assessment criteria. Assessment will be based on the combined score across the criteria that apply to the project.
Assessment criteria
Category 1 – Environmental and Community Gardens projects
Criteria number | Assessment criteria | Percentage |
1 | Contribution to achieving targets and aspirations in the Brisbane Vision 2031 and the purposes of this grant. | Essential |
2 | Demonstrated ability to deliver the project in a sustainable manner (considering environmental and community outcomes). | 25% |
3 | Ability to promote and market the project to the broader community and industry sectors and for these groups to benefit from the project. | 20% |
4 | Value for money and sound budget. | 20% |
5 | Demonstration of applicant's capacity to manage and maintain the project including evaluating and documenting the results. | 20% |
6 | Evidence of effective consultation, partnering and networking. | 15% |
7 | Demonstrated ability to comply with approval criteria for necessary permits under State Acts and Council local laws. | Essential |
Category 2 – Administration and operation expenses
Criteria number | Assessment criteria | Percentage |
1 | Contribution to achieving targets and aspirations in the Brisbane Vision 2031 and the purposes of this grant. | Essential |
2 | Demonstrated ability to deliver the project in a sustainable manner (reduce, reuse, recycle). | 25% |
3 | Demonstrated ability to support environmental based community engagement or on ground projects. | 20% |
4 | Demonstrated ability to promote and market projects to the broader community and industry sectors and for these groups to benefit from this support. | 15% |
5 | Value for money and sound budget. | 20% |
6 | Demonstration of applicant's capacity to manage funds and documenting the results. | 20% |
Application process
Submitting an application
When open, applications are submitted online via SmartyGrants.
Application checklist
Environmental Projects
Please ensure you read the grant guidelines fully and ensure your proposal:
- is eligible within the grant guidelines
- responds to the assessment criteria
- can demonstrate capacity to manage the project to completion and acquit the grant funding within one year of the grant being awarded
- provides any necessary permits under State Acts and Council local laws if relevant to the project
- contains all necessary maps to clearly show the location of the project
- includes all the relevant attachments
- demonstrates consultation and written approval from relevant stakeholders:
- local Councillors
- relevant land manager representative (Council Regional Coordinator or Land Manager)
- organisations participating in the project
- Creek Catchment or Habitat Brisbane officer if you are associated with either of these programs.
- provides two comparable quotes for items or services above $1,000 and one quote for items or services under $1,000. Quotes are not required for operating or administration expenses unless requested by Council.
Community Gardens Projects
Please ensure you read the grant guidelines fully and ensure your proposal:
- responds to the assessment criteria
- confirms the applicant organisation is eligible
- confirms the project and its components are eligible
- considers the assessment criteria and responds directly to these within the application
- demonstrates how the project will be delivered within the timeframe
- demonstrates consultation with relevant stakeholders (e.g. signed letters from your local Councillor, land managers relevant to your project area, or other organisations participating in the project)
- provides written support from your Regional Council Coordinator for projects on Council land
- provides two comparable quotes for items above $1,000 and one quote for items less than $1,000
- provides quotes from a licensed plumber if constructing a raingarden
- confirms leasing or licensing requirements are met.
Information about grant decisions will not be released over the phone. A formal letter will be posted, notifying applicants of the outcome.
Successful applicants
You will receive a formal approval letter and a Funding Agreement. The Funding Agreement will include terms and conditions of the grant, any special conditions that have been attached to your grant and GST information. You will need to complete, sign and return the Funding Agreement before any funding will be released.
Successful applicants have 12 months from the time of the notification of your success to complete the project and acquit the grant, unless otherwise negotiated.
Successful applicants will be required to:
- ensure continued compliance with these guidelines
- deliver the approved project in accordance with the contents of the submitted applications approved by Council for the provision of a grant
- fully comply with the terms and conditions set out in the Funding Agreement (including special conditions) provided by Council to the successful applicants
- fully acquit the grant to Council in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Funding Agreement.
Unsuccessful applicants
If you don't receive funding, it will not necessarily be because you submitted a poor application. It may be because the demand for funds exceeds the amount available. For feedback on your grant application, please refer to the contact phone number given in your notification letter. Unsuccessful applicants are welcome to reapply in the future.
You may wish to consider submitting your application to another grants program.
Both the Queensland and Australian Governments have websites that list available grants.
- Queensland Government website
- Australian Government ‘Community Grants Hub’
- Our Community publishes a quarterly list of grants Australia-wide.
For further information, you can contact Council.
If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact Council through the:
- National Relay Service
- Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for 07 3403 8888
- Video Relay Service (VRS) – call Skype name: ace.vrs, then ask the video interpreter to phone 07 3403 8888.
If you require this information in other languages, phone the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450 and ask to be connected with Council on 07 3403 8888.
All enquiry services are free.
Terms and conditions
Applicants must also adhere to any terms, conditions and special conditions set by Council.
Not-for-profit organisation
An organisation whose contribution states that any profits or surpluses must be used to further the objectives of the organisation rather than benefit an individual. A registered non-profit organisation is incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), or the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Qld).
The acquittal form is due within 12 months from the notification date and explains the outcomes of the project and how the funds were spent. It demonstrates that the funding has been used for the purpose for which it was provided, including a certified report of financial transactions and whether the project achieved its intended objectives.
An incorporated not-for-profit organisation that accepts and manages the legal and financial responsibility of a grant on behalf of an unincorporated applicant.
In-kind contribution
The dollar value to a project of non-cast contributions, e.g. office space, staff time or voluntary labour that would otherwise need to be paid for. The items or services must be essential to the project.
Equipment (non-consumables)
Equipment that is purchased to be used during the project but can continue to be used after the completion of the project.
Materials (consumables)
Materials purchased to be used during the project that are used up by the completion of the project.
Letters of support
Letters of endorsement or commitment to the project from partners, other community organisations and/or elected members.