Public river and recreation hubs, boat ramps, canoe ramps and pontoons

Find out where to access Brisbane City Council river and recreation hubs, public boat ramps, canoe ramps and pontoons along the Brisbane River.
View images of Council's hubs, boat and canoe ramps and pontoons in Council's Flickr account.
Boat ramps
Council boat ramps are for recreational use and the load limit is five tonnes.
River and recreation hubs
River hubs provide multipurpose river-based infrastructure to accommodate a range of vessels and uses including recreational vessels, tour boat operators and passive crafts such as kayaks, canoes and stand up paddleboards.
Recreation hubs are tailored to more passive and recreational users and are suitable for non-motorised craft including kayaks, canoes and stand up paddleboards, as well as short term use for motorised recreational vessels.
Before you attempt to use a river or recreation hub, check the vessel weight and size capacity for the hub you wish to use as weight capacities vary. For more information on recreation and river hubs, visit our River Access Network page.
Other pontoons and landings
The standard limit for docking at other Council pontoons or landings (other than boat ramps and river and recreation hubs) is 10 minutes unless otherwise signed. Council has erected signage to ensure users are able to familiarise themselves with safe on-water conduct before using the facilities.
Search for a public river or recreation hub, boat ramp, canoe ramp or pontoon
Use the map and search options (location, boat ramp facilities) to search for Council facilities. Select an icon and click on the hyperlink to find out whether the facility is open or closed. If you'd prefer to view the information in a table or list format, select your preferred format from the 'view' dropdown.
Council encourages all users to familiarise themselves with the Brisbane River Code of Conduct for information on how to safely use the river. This guide can be downloaded from the Queensland Government Maritime Safety Queensland website.