Parking in Nundah Village

Every day, Brisbane City Council works with residents, businesses and local communities to take real action on traffic, parking congestion and managing on-street parking to create a safe and efficient road network.
As part of this, Council has developed a Nundah Village parking map to help motorists find where on-street parking is located in the area. This map is the result of a parking study Council undertook from late 2016 to early 2017 in and around Nundah Village.
Nundah Village parking map
Council has developed the below map to assist people who visit, live and work in the Nundah Village area to find on-street parking. The map provides an overview of parking restrictions, including where short and long term on-street parking is located and where no stopping and loading zones are in place.
If you require assistance reading the map, phone Council on 07 3403 8888 or email the project team.
Nundah Village parking study
Council undertook a parking study in and around Nundah Village to assess on-street parking and inform future decisions about parking in the Nundah Village and its surrounds.
Along with in-field parking and desktop studies undertaken from late 2016 to early 2017, community surveys were conducted between 22 May - 19 June 2017, and more than 15,000 households, property owners and businesses were invited to provide feedback.
Community feedback was collected via:
- Council’s website
- phone
- in person through face-to-face discussions on-street and through a community workshop held at Nundah Library on 31 May 2017.
Council received more than 1400 survey responses during the consultation period.
Feedback received from the community suggested that marked parking bays, enhanced active transport facilities, changes to parking restrictions and consideration of metered parking would improve the parking situation in the area.
The parking study revealed that the parking occupancy rate is very high and that a high level of non-compliance with parking restrictions occurred in the area.
Study outcomes
Following analysis of the parking study feedback and results, Council identified a number of priority projects and future opportunities to improve parking in and around Nundah Village. Some of these priority projects included:
- implementing marked parking bays in consultation with the local community to the following streets within the focus area: Station Street, Nundah Street and Wood Street
- implementing marked parking bays in Station Street, Nundah Street, Wood Street, Buckland Road, Chapel Street and Boyd Street
- reviewing the location of accessible parking bays to meet the needs of the community
- reviewing time restrictions and implementing changes to achieve a better balance of short, medium and long-term parking to the following streets within the core area: York Street, Buckland Road, Chapel Street and Aspinall Street
- reviewing enforcement (general parking and work site permits). Enforcement has been ongoing since the study.
- installing line markings around intersections to improve sight lines in Ryans Road, Eton Street, Melton Road, York Street and Buckland Road, along with the following streets within the core area: Station Street and Aspinall Street
- line marking improvements, including marking yellow lines, give-way lines and continuity lines, made at 26 intersections within the core area
- installing improved parking awareness signage
- reviewing taxi ranks on Buckland Road, within the core area, to improve access and utilisation. As part of this, taxi facilities on Buckland Road have been relocated and reconfigured to better service the area by improving accessibility.
- investigating the upgrade of the Melton Road and Hows Road intersection, identified by the community as requiring an upgrade
- encouraging the Queensland Government to provide more on-street parking by optimising under-utilised areas on State land
- continuing to monitor and discuss with the Queensland Government their responsibility to expand the park ’n’ ride facility
- monitoring the need for paid parking.
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