Lord Mayor's Community Fund guidelines

Brisbane City Council's Lord Mayor's Community Fund (LMCF) supports community projects that build stronger communities in Brisbane.

Applications for funding can be made by:

  • eligible community organisations for community projects; or
  • Councillors for:
    • community events and activities;
    • capital projects,

provided the expenditure is for a community purpose. Together called the "Projects".

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Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Applicability
  3. Legislation
  4. Definitions
  5. Guidelines
  6. Who can apply?
  7. Eligibility
  8. Grant allocation
  9. GST
  10. Lodging an application
  11. Assessment
  12. Acquittals
  13. Successful recipients

1. Overview

The objectives of Council's Lord Mayor’s Community Fund (LMCF) are to support community purposes that build stronger communities, contribute to the life of the city and/or address community issues.

2. Applicability

This guideline applies to all Councillors, Council employees, contractors and consultants.

This guideline must be read in conjuction with AP119 Community Grants Policy and applies only to the use of Councillor discretionary funds allocated under the LMCF for community projects.

3. Legislation

City of Brisbane Regulation 2012.

4. Definitions

Terms defined in AP119 Community Grants Policy apply to this guideline.

Community Organisation means:

  • an entity that carries on activities for a public purpose; or
  • another entity whose primary object is not directed at making a profit.

Community Projects mean projects that assist to build stronger communities, contribute to the life of the city and/or address community issues. For example, community events and activites or capital projects which will be used for a community purpose.

5. Guidelines

In assessing applications for the use of funds from the LMCF, Councillors must ensure the community project will achieve one or more of the themes set out in Brisbane Vision 2031, including but not limited to the following.

  • Our friendly, safe city – community projects that respond to local community issues.
  • Our active, healthy city – community projects that increase participation in community sport, recreation, physical health and activity.
  • Our clean, green and sustainable city – community projects that address environmental issues in the local community.
  • Our vibrant, creative city – arts and cultural community projects that stimulate the local community’s creativity and cultural development.

The number and types of community projects approved will depend on the number of applications received, the available program budget, whether the community project meets the eligibility criteria, and the comparative priority and benefit to the community of the applications.  

LMCF Priorities

Applications must meet one or more of the following LMCF priorities:

  • improved provision of, access to, and quality of, community facilities
  • supporting community activities in the areas of recreation and sport
  • supporting community arts and cultural activities, e.g. Christmas carols, Australia Day ceremony
  • contributing to the appreciation of Brisbane’s history and heritage
  • responding to groups in the community, e.g. young people, refugees, people in need
  • improving the environment
  • contributing to community safety
  • contributing to improved health and wellbeing
  • purchasing equipment to resource community organisations
  • creating opportunities for residents to be informed and involved in their community.

6. Who can apply?

A Councillor may use funds from the LMCF in any of the following ways:

  • to spend on a community purpose
  • to allocate for certain capital works of Council that are for a community purpose, but only with the prior approval from the Establishment and Coordination Committee (E&C)
  • to allocate to a community organisation for a community purpose.

7. Eligibility

Eligible community projects must comply with all of the following.

  1. Be for a community purpose.
  2. Meet these guidelines of the LMCF program.
  3. Identify the community benefit of the funding.
  4. Identify additional funding support or in-kind support to be provided.
  5. Contribute towards achieving one or more of the themes of Brisbane Vision 2031 and meet at least one LMCF priority.
  6. Be implemented within 12 months of the date on the approval letter, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the responsible Councillor.
  7. Be undertaken within the relevant Ward boundary and be of benefit to the local community (a community project may be considered for funding in another Ward within the Brisbane local government area subject to written approval from that Ward’s Councillor).
  8. Not be used for operational funding of the community organisation or the Councillor’s Ward Office.
  9. Applications must provide:
    1. evidence that the project is realistic with regard to the following:
      1. aims and objectives of application
      2. timeframes
      3. support from the community
      4. budget
      5. additional costs/in-kind costs
    2. evidence that the funding demonstrates benefits for the community
    3. project budget details and clearly indicate how the grant funding is to be spent (i.e. a description of ‘contribution or sponsorship towards an event/project’ is not an adequate level of detail).

Examples of eligible community projects include the following.

  1. Applications for facility improvement projects for schools which are provided to community organisations for access and use, demonstrated through provision of a documented Usage Agreement with a community organisation(s).
  2. Community events (including Australia Day ceremonies, fetes and events that charge an entry fee, i.e. fundraisers with a cover charge and festivals with a site entry fee).
  3. Equipment hired for the purpose of a community event.
  4. Funding towards a community sporting organisation’s equipment and activities within the relevant Ward.
  5. Community facility improvements and equipment.
  6. Capital works of Council that:
    1. are for a community purpose
    2. have proposed project funding up to $10,000
    3. meet Council’s asset guidelines and are supported by the Manager, Program Planning and Integration, or the Program and Planning Manager, Program Planning and Integration, City Standards, Brisbane Infrastructure
    4. are approved by E&C, having regard to Council’s corporate plan, long-term assessment plan and annual report.

Examples of ineligible community projects include the following.

  1. Projects that do not fit Council’s AP119 Community Grants Policy or these guidelines.
  2. Projects that support or oppose a political organisation or political activity.
  3. Projects involving schools that do not demonstrate engagement with the wider community.
  4. Applications made by schools. Any application for funds involving a school may only be made by the Parents and Citizens Association (or equivalent) for the school.
  5. Projects taking place outside of the Brisbane City Council local government area (including any project components taking place outside the city).
  6. Projects that have commenced before funding is approved.
  7. Projects that are core Queensland or Australian Government responsibilities.
  8. Proposals that wholly duplicate other council or government programs.
  9. Projects that involve the purchase of motor vehicles.
  10. Projects that involve the purchase of alcohol.
  11. Projects that pertain to Council’s urban planning or traffic planning.
  12. Supplying administrative or support services for performing the Councillor’s responsibilities under the City of Brisbane Act 2010.
  13. Funding ongoing organisation operational or recurrent costs (e.g. insurance, electricity, rates, telephones, security, administration, rent etc.).
  14. Donations and sponsorships.
  15. Projects that a reasonable person would perceive to be primarily for a Councillor’s political gain including:
    1. Ward Office ‘give-aways’
    2. sponsorships/donations to individuals
    3. prizes or gifts
    4. funded printed material that promotes an individual Councillor.
  16. Projects for which approval is sought during the period starting on 1 January in the year a quadrennial election must be held and ending at the conclusion of the election.

8. Grant allocation

The LMCF allocation for each Ward will be published on Council’s website. The program also includes an allocation for the Lord Mayor in support of projects of benefit to multiple wards across Brisbane.

The minimum grant amount is $250 (GST exclusive).

The maximum grant funding amount is $10,000 (GST exclusive) per community organisation per financial year, except where a community organisation is applying on behalf of another community organisation (as an auspice of the community organisation).

The maximum allocation for Councillors is $10,000 per community project.

9. GST

Applications are to be made using GST exclusive figures.

If the applicant organisation is GST registered, 10% GST will be added to the grant as an itemised GST gross-up.

If the applicant organisation is not GST registered, the 10% GST will be added to the grant, but not itemised as GST.

For advice on GST, please contact your tax advisor or the Australian Taxation Office on 13 24 78 or via their website.

10. Lodging an application

Applications to allocate to a community organisation for a community purpose

Community organisations may apply for funds from the LMCF by completing the official application form. Applications must be lodged electronically through Council’s website. Assistance in lodging applications can be sought from local Ward Offices.

Applications must be submitted online at least 10 business days before the commencement of the community project. In exceptional circumstances, a Councillor may approve an application within the 10 business day period.

Applicants will receive a letter advising of the outcome of their application. Successful applicants must comply with the terms and conditions of funding provided by the Councillor.

Applications by Councillors to spend for a community purpose

Applications by Councillors to spend for a community purpose must be made by using the official online application form. The Councillor must notify Community Grants, Healthy and Vibrant Communities, Connected Communities, Lifestyle and Community Services, before commencing the community project. The Councillor must comply with the terms and conditions of funding provided by Council.

Applications by Councillors to allocate for capital works

Proposals for capital works must be made using the online application form. Councillors must consult with the Program and Planning Manager, Program Planning and Integration, City Standards, Brisbane Infrastructure, to confirm the eligibility and cost quote for the proposed project.

The Regional Manager will advise whether the proposed capital works meet Council’s asset guidelines and provide the Ward Office with written confirmation to be attached to the Councillor’s application.

Councillors may also be required to obtain approval from the relevant regional Sport and Recreation Officer, Community Facilities Operations Team, Healthy and Vibrant Communities, Connected Communities, Lifestyle and Community Services, where a capital works project is proposed on land leased by Council.

The Ward Office must notify the Community Grants team that an online application has been submitted and provide details of the capital works project that is being recommended.

The Community Grants team will seek approval from E&C for the allocation of the funds for the capital works project in accordance with section 194 of the City of Brisbane Regulation 2012.

In deciding whether to approve an allocation of funds from the LMCF for a capital works project, E&C must have regard to Council’s corporate plan, long-term assessment plan and annual budget. If approved, the Community Grants team will notify the Program and Planning Manager, Program Planning and Integration, City Standards, Brisbane Infrastructure.

Proposals for capital works projects must be lodged before 30 April each financial year to ensure time for approval by E&C.

11. Assessment

The LMCF is a Councillor discretionary funding program. Councillors will assess applications submitted to their Ward against the eligibility criteria and priorities outlined in these Guidelines. Applicants will receive written notification of the outcome of their application.

Failure to receive funding is not necessarily due to a poor application but may be the result of the demand for funds.

All Councillors must provide a notice to the Community Grants team within seven business days of making an allocation from the LMCF detailing:

  1. the amount allocated by the Councillor
  2. the date the amount was allocated
  3. the way the amount was allocated (for capital works, to a community organisation for a community purpose or for another community purpose)
  4. if the amount was allocated to a person or organisation—the name of the person or organisation to whom the allocation was made
  5. the purpose for which the amount was allocated, including sufficient details to identify how the funds were, or are to be, spent.

12. Acquittals

All community organisations who received funds from the LMCF must, within 12 months of the date of the approval, provide a summary report to the relevant Ward Office which includes:

  1. statements of expenditure for the project
  2. summary of the community project including what occurred during the community project; who participated in the community project; what was achieved; and if an evaluation took place, a copy of the evaluation report of the community project. Photographs or media related to the community project should also be attached.

For community projects relating to purchasing equipment or installing equipment the receipt for that piece of equipment is sufficient record of expenditure and a report is not required.

Applicants with outstanding overdue grant acquittals are ineligible to apply for further funding.

13. Successful recipients

All community projects wholly or partly supported by the LMCF are subject to the following terms and conditions.

  1. All advertising, promotional material and communications relating to the community project must acknowledge the contribution made by the Councillor by using the phrase ‘Supported by the Lord Mayor’s Community Fund’. The Councillor and Ward Office may also be acknowledged by name and/or photograph and/or Ward Office details through consultation with the Ward Office. Any Councillor or Ward Office acknowledgement must be proportional in size and in visual significance with the required Council acknowledgement. Where Council’s logo is used a request form must be submitted and conditions of use adhered to.
  2. Must comply with the terms and conditions of a funding agreement. Find the full list of the terms and conditions.
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