Common terms used

Brisbane City Council tender processes use a common set of names and terms. Clearly understanding their meaning will help you make sense of the tender process and reduce your risk of making costly errors.


Addendum - an addition or amendment issued by Council in relation to a Request for Quote, Request for Tender or Request for Proposal.

Closing time - the time before which tenders, proposals or quotes must be lodged in accordance with the relevant request document.   

Evaluation criteria - the factors, which include price, to be considered by Council when assessing which offer represents the most advantageous outcome to Council.

Expression of Interest or EOI - a two stage procurement process in which:

  • Stage 1 – expressions of interest are requested publicly (this often consists of information about suppliers’ capability and capacity); and
  • Stage 2 – shortlisted respondents are issued with a Request for Tenders or Request for Proposals

Lump sum or fixed price - a total amount to be paid for the completion of all goods/service/works under a contract.

Non-price weighted criteria - criteria (other than price) which have been weighted according to their importance and against which quotes or tenders will be evaluated.

Price model - the formula or method used to arrive at a single price for each tender which can be used to compare tenders against each other.

RFx or Request for X - where X means tender, proposal, quote. It can also be used to describe an Expression of Interest.

Request for Tender or RFT - the process in which offers are requested from suppliers to perform work or provide goods/services detailed in a specification.
Request for Proposal or RFP - the process in which offers are requested from suppliers to achieve an outcome detailed in a specification. 
Request for Quote or RFQ - the process in which quotes are requested from suppliers to perform work or provide goods/services. 

Schedule of Rates - a list of prices which are to be applied to a list of items procured under a contract. For example, the hourly rate for each consultant or the unit price for each sandbag purchased.

Specifications - the document(s) which detail what a supplier will be required to do, deliver or provide under a contract in return for the money to be paid by Council.

Statement of non-compliance - the details of any clauses in Council Specifications, draft Contract or insurance requirements that the tenderer can’t or won’t comply with.

Conditions of tender or RFP conditions - the terms and conditions which set out the procurement process to be followed by Council and the tenderers.

Value for money - a high level of benefit to be obtained from goods, service or works relative to the amount of money being spent.

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