About River Access Network

The River Access Network builds on Council’s River's Edge Strategy 2013 and links to Brisbane's River Art Framework which presents a vision for a world-class collection of public art along the River's edge.
Key opportunities in the River Access Network include:
- tour boats – expanded opportunities for pick-up and drop-off of tour boat passengers at key riverside destinations
- potential future water taxis – as a new transport alternative for Brisbane, on-demand water taxis are suitable for small group travel for recreation or business to link high-density residential areas with key destinations
- kayaks, canoes and paddleboards – an expanded network of access points for these craft at regular intervals along the river
- yachts, small boats and jet skis – new opportunities for short-term use for recreational craft at key destinations.
Download the River Access Network documents in your preferred format:
- Brisbane's River Access Network - unlocking river-based tourism and recreation (PDF - 23Mb)
- Brisbane's River Access Network - unlocking river-based tourism and recreation (Word - 159kb)
- River Access Network map (PDF - 1.5Mb).
River and recreation hubs
River and recreation hubs will provide new multipurpose river-based infrastructure to accommodate a range of vessels and uses including:
- new access opportunities for tour boat operators as a pick-up and drop‑off point for passengers
- supporting on demand pick-up and drop-off for future water taxis
- short-term use for non-motorised watercraft such as kayaks, canoes and stand up paddleboards
- short-term use for recreational vessels in the city reaches of the Brisbane River.
River and recreation hubs are located at:
- City Botanic Gardens, Brisbane City
- Dutton Park
- Northshore Hamilton
- Kingsford Smith Drive, Hamilton
- Murarrie
- New Farm Park
- Riverhills
- West End.
Docking at river and recreation hubs
New Farm Park and City Botanic Gardens River Hubs
The inner fingers of the pontoon at the New Farm Park and City Botanic Gardens River Hubs are intended for short term use by passive and motorised recreation craft. Users are permitted to stay for a period of up to two hours. Bookings are not required.
The outer face of the outer pontoon at New Farm Park and City Botanic Gardens River Hubs is intended for use by larger commercial and tour boat vessels and must be pre-booked. With a booking, tour boat operators can stay for a period of up to 30 minutes for pick-up and drop-off of passengers. To make a booking, complete the River hub docking request application form.
Other hubs
Other river and recreation hubs are tailored to passive and recreation users and are suitable for non-motorised craft including kayaks, canoes and stand-up paddleboards, as well as short term use for motorised recreational vessels. Bookings are not required.
Before you attempt to use a river or recreation hub, check the vessel weight and size capacity for that particular hub.
No overnight mooring
No overnight mooring is permitted at river and recreation hubs. For information about overnight mooring, visit our boat moorings page.