Local government infrastructure plan (LGIP) 2016-2026

Our city is evolving within one of the fastest growing regions in Australia. It is important to make sure that, as our city grows, we maintain our high standard of infrastructure, delivered where and when it is needed and for the best value for money.

To make this happen, Brisbane City Plan 2014 (City Plan) includes a Local government infrastructure plan (LGIP) 2016-2026. The LGIP represents around 1,000 future projects worth $2 billion for stormwater infrastructure, transport, parks and land for community facilities until 2026.

The LGIP came into effect on 29 June 2018, and the first amendment took effect on 10 December 2021. The LGIP is part of City Plan, specifically Part 4 and Schedule 3. It also includes extrinsic material that provides background studies and planning reports.

In August 2023, Council proposed changes to ensure the LGIP complies with statutory requirements, is accurate, relevant and aligned with Council’s current budget priorities.

Community consultation on the proposed changes (known as LGIP amendment 1B) closed on 14 September 2023.

Other proposed changes to the Infrastructure design planning scheme policy (IDPSP) and the Transport, access, parking and servicing planning scheme policy (TAPSPSP), which include consequential changes as a result of LGIP amendment 1B, were also open to the community for consultation that closed on 14 September 2023.

Council will now consider all submissions before finalising these plans for adoption. Council will write to everyone who has made a submission once all feedback has been reviewed.

Purpose and benefits


  • allows for the levying of infrastructure charges on new developments
  • guides Council's capital works program and assists with long-term financial planning
  • provides transparency about Council's plans for trunk infrastructure
  • ensures that trunk infrastructure is planned and provided for in an efficient manner to get the best value for money while ensuring infrastructure keeps up with future growth.

How is new infrastructure funded?

Each year, Council invests millions of dollars in supporting new and upgraded infrastructure across Brisbane, including roads, pathways, ferry terminals, parks, land for community facilities and drainage. This infrastructure is needed to support growth and development, so is funded in part by infrastructure charges. These charges are capped by the Queensland Government and the revenue is not enough to service all needed infrastructure, so Council supplements these costs from other sources.

Council prioritises expenditure on a city-wide basis to ensure infrastructure is provided in a coordinated, efficient and financially sustainable manner.

Building infrastructure as we grow

The LGIP provides developers with an indication of likely infrastructure required as part of any proposed developments and helps Council plan for the delivery of infrastructure in our growing city.

Trunk infrastructure as defined under the Planning Act 2016 refers to larger, significant infrastructure that supports growth and benefits several development sites. The LGIP covers 'trunk' infrastructure specifically for the following networks:

Transport (e.g. roads, pathways, ferry terminals and bus stops)

The LGIP includes land and works required for major roads such as:

  • road works
  • major intersections and traffic signals
  • road drainage, culverts and kerb and channel
  • pedestrian footpaths and on-road cycle lanes
  • land for indented bus bays
  • street lighting
  • traffic control and information signage
  • bridges and open level crossings.

Infrastructure for the pathways and ferry terminal networks is also included, such as:

  • cycle routes, Riverwalk and green bridges
  • works for infrastructure contributing to additional ferry capacity or providing immediate access to a terminal.

Stormwater (e.g. pipes and water quality treatment devices)

The LGIP includes land and works that service broader catchments and multiple land owners, including:

  • closed conduits and culverts
  • concrete-lined channels and constructed natural channels
  • waterway rehabilitation
  • stormwater quality improvement devices (SQIDs).

Parks (e.g. parks and sporting facilities)

Brisbane has a diverse range of accessible, safe, functional and well-maintained parks. As Brisbane continues to grow, the parks network will expand and improve to provide new sport and recreation facilities, as well as help us enjoy the great outdoors. The following park types form part of this network:

  • sport
  • recreation (including botanic gardens, arboretum and urban commons)
  • corridors (access and recreation)
  • nature recreation.

Parks contain a range of features depending on the type of park, size and location. Improvements and upgrades may include barbecues, playgrounds, seating, paths, dog off-leash areas, half courts, skate facilities, fitness equipment, garden beds, lighting, fencing, BMX tracks, toilets, shade trees, shade structures and water features.

Land for community facilities (e.g. land for libraries and community centres)

The purpose of the land for community facilities network is to provide an accessible network of land set aside for community facilities to meet the needs of Brisbane’s population.

The types of community facilities planned for by this network may include:

  • community meeting spaces and community halls
  • facilities to support the operation of community groups, their activities and services
  • public libraries
  • visual arts space and galleries
  • performance and rehearsal space
  • indoor sport or court facilities
  • public swimming pools.

Urban Utilities has responsibility for planning and delivering the water supply and sewerage networks and is shown in the Netserv Plan.

Check if your property is affected

You can check the City Plan online mapping tool to find out if your property is affected or near future planned infrastructure.

Search for a property

  1. To search, you can either:
    1. Enter the property address in the search bar (as per the example in grey text in the search bar); or
    2. Enter lot and plan, street or suburb on the right-hand side of the search bar.
  2. The information you enter should be in the format as suggested for each search type. The results should start to appear as you enter the information.
  3. Click on the correct result to action the search.

The property will appear in the middle of the screen, with boundaries identified by a red dashed outline.

Select the LGIP plans for Trunk Infrastructure (PFTI) mapping

  1. Go to the 'Map Tools' in the right-hand pane.
  2. Select the LGIP map layers.
  3. Scroll down and select the following PFTI layers (and the 'Future infrastructure' box beneath each layer):
    • Stormwater Network PFTI 
    • Transport Network (Road Network) PFTI
    • Transport Network (Pathway Network and Ferry Terminals Network) PFTI
    • Parks and Land for Community Facilities Network PFTI.
  4. Once the mapping layers have loaded, check to see if any infrastructure items are now visible on the property.
  5. If you can see an item positioned on (or partially on) the property:
    • zoom in to the item (use the plus icon in the left-hand corner of the map)
    • position the cursor over the item and double-click on it
    • a pop-up box will appear containing information about the infrastructure item.

For further assistance, phone Council on 07 3403 8888 and ask to speak to the Infrastructure Coordination team.

If your property is affected

The LGIP indicates the infrastructure and land required for its 10-year plan.

If a development application is lodged for an affected property, Council may impose a condition on the development to ensure the infrastructure is provided to Council. The LGIP infrastructure may be delivered by Council or through the development assessment process.

The final location of infrastructure will be subject to a detailed investigation, design and Council approval. 

Infrastructure proposed after 2026

While the LGIP identifies infrastructure that is expected to be needed before 30 June 2026, the Long term infrastructure plans (LTIP) in City Plan identify infrastructure that is not expected to be needed until after 30 June 2026.

More information

For more information about LGIP you can:

Last updated:

Brisbane City Council acknowledges this Country and its Traditional Custodians. We pay our respects to the Elders, those who have passed into the Dreaming; those here today; those of tomorrow.