School parking

Traffic signs and lines are in place around schools to provide a safe environment for pedestrians and to maintain safe traffic flow during busy school pick up and set down times.
If you would like to report a maintenance issue regarding traffic signs and lines at your school, contact Council.
Common signs around schools

No parking
The driver of a vehicle must not stop where a no parking sign applies, unless the driver:
- is dropping off or picking up passengers or goods; and
- does not move further than 3 metres from the vehicle
- drops off or picks up passengers or goods and drives on within two minutes unless a different time limit is shown

No stopping
A driver must not stop where a no stopping sign or yellow no stopping line applies.

School zone
At many schools a 40 km/h speed limit applies on school days. The standard operating times for most school zones in Queensland are 7am-9am and 2pm-4pm. Please observe the 40km/h speed limit during these hours. The Queensland Police Service frequently enforces speed limits around schools, if you are speeding you may be fined.

Passenger loading zone
Passenger Loading Zones allow you to stop for up to two minutes to pick up or drop off your child. This should be enough time to help your child with luggage and seatbelts. While it is preferable that you do not leave your car, you are permitted to do so to walk a young child into school or to collect your child, however you still need to be mindful of the two-minute limit.
Tips for drivers picking up or setting down children:
- Move forward as space becomes available
- Ensure your child watches for their ride and moves promptly to the vehicle
- Always drop off and pick up in a designated passenger zone
- Where possible, remain with your vehicle at all times when using the passenger zone
- Observe the time restriction on the passenger zone – do not overstay
- Make sure passengers use the safety door or the footpath side door when getting into and out of the car
- Do not double park
- Do not park across a pedestrian crossing
- Do not park across driveways
- Do not u-turn close to the school
- Observe part time school speed zones – do not speed
- Be courteous to other drivers and school crossing supervisors

Pedestrian crossing
At many schools pedestrian crossings are provided to help students and parents to cross the road safely on the way to and from school. Some crossings have school crossing supervisors who stop vehicles before allowing children to cross. If there is a crossing supervisor at your crossing you need to stop, wait and follow their directions. If the crossing is not supervised you need to make sure that drivers can see you waiting to cross and do not start crossing until cars travelling in both directions have stopped.
Drivers must slow down and stop when a pedestrian steps onto a marked crossing and drivers must give way to any pedestrian on the crossing. However some drivers may not stop for pedestrians, so you must wait until all vehicles have stopped before you start to cross. (It is always a good idea to look at the approaching driver’s face to see if he acknowledges that you are waiting to cross.)
School parking issues
Contact Council for issues such as:
- illegal or dangerous parking
- unlawful use of the two minute passenger zone
Phone your local police station for issues such as:
- speeding
- illegal u-turns
- dangerous driving
- hooning
More information
Find information on parking restrictions and permit areas, paid parking, park 'n' ride, special use parking, parking around schools, enforcement and a detailed map of parking areas in Brisbane in Council's Parking in Brisbane Guide brochure.