Design outcomes: Visual appeal and identity

Well designed housing positively contributes and interacts with its natural surroundings and the unique identity of the neighbourhood it is embedded in.
Quality residential developments are visually appealing and contribute to the identity of the area by incorporating:
- building form variation, roofscape treatments and detailing that reflects and respects the neighbourhood
- façade materials, colours and detailing that creates visual depth and interest
- building entries that are easy to identify and address the street
- building components that are well-organised and contribute to a visually appealing and coherent architectural form
- balconies and generous windows that overlook and support a visual relationship between dwellings and the street
- car parking and driveway areas that are screened behind the building line, complement the building presentation and are recessive
- refuse and recycling storage areas, pump stations and substations and other utilities do not detract from the streetscape (i.e screened from view or where allowed, in basements).
Brisbane City Plan 2014 includes guidance on a number of aspects listed above including car parking and design for vehicle access and refuse storage.