Stafford parks

Find the location of parks in Stafford and information about their facilities.

This table provides information about Council parks in Stafford including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Bilston Street Park8 Webster RoadCar park, shared pathway, seating and water (bubbler/tap)
Boles Street Park46 Ogden Street
Barbecue (electric), basketball half court, picnic area, playground (Fogarty Street), sporting field (Boles Street), water (bubbler & tap) and public toilet
Gibson Park352 Stafford Road

Access & car parking, barbecue (electric), basketball half court, clubhouse (Dolphin Sea Cadets), picnic area, playground, Stafford Bowls Club

Also includes facilities for Gibson Park Committee. 

Hickey Park71 Gamelin Crescent 

Access & car park (Babarra Street), bikeway and pathway network, playgrounds including one fully fenced playground (sporting club, Gamelin Crescent, Rhodes Street), dog off leash area and water (bubbler/tap)

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Emily Foord Memorial Kindergarten
  • Stafford Guides
  • Wilston Grange Australian Football facility.
Keith Payne Park 38 Buddina Street 

Council is replacing the existing toilet block in this park to upgrade the facilities. Work will take place from 24 February to 4 April (weather permitting). The toilet block will be closed during the work. 

Barbecue (electric), basketball half court, basketball hoop, memorial precinct, outdoor fitness/exercise equipment, picnic area, playground, public toilet, water (bubbler)

Keong Park (Turner Playground)38 Appleby Road 

Activity space, barbecue (electric), basketball court, fitness station, picnic area (Quandeine Street, Teevan Street), playground - fully fenced (Teevan Street), performance space, sport facility, shared pathway and water (bubbler/tap)

Also includes community organisations and facilities for:

  • Keong Park Community Centre
  • Stafford Scouts
  • Stafford and District Meals on Wheels.
Roy Harvey Park 34 Byth StreetBarbecue (electric), dog off-leash area, picnic area with bubbler/drinking fountain, playground, public toilet, sporting fields
Shand Street Park (no.100)100 Shand Street

Dog off-leash area, skate facility & basketball court, shared pathway, access and car parking, water (bubbler)

Find out about the Grinstead Park, Shand Street Park (no. 100) and Corbett Street Park upgrade.

Sheehy Street Park45 Shand StreetPlayground 
Sparkes Hill Reserve101 Shand Street  
Tathra Place Park1 Tathra StreetWater (bubbler/tap)
Last updated:

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