Wavell Heights parks

Find the location of parks in Wavell Heights and information about their facilities.

This table includes information on parks in Wavell Heights including park name, location and facilities.
Park nameLocationFacilities
Belloy Street Park24 Belloy StreetPlayground (shaded), water (drinking fountain)
Bristol Park356 Rode RoadCricket nets, picnic area, playground (shaded), water (bubbler/tap)
Edinburgh Castle Road Park105 Edinburgh Castle RoadEdinburgh Castle Road bikeway
Frank Roberts Park19 Charlotte StreetBarbecue (electric), cricket practice net, outdoor fitness/exercise station, picnic area, playground
Heinrich Gerns Park 71 Magenta StreetBarbecue (electric), dog off-leash area, outdoor fitness/exercise equipment, picnic area, playground, shared pathway, water (bubbler/tap)
Maggs Street Park32 Taylor StreetBarbecue (electric), outdoor fitness/exercise station, shared pathway
Main Avenue Park49 Main AvenuePlayground, picnic shelter
Pfingst Road Park53 Pfingst RoadShared pathway
Rilatt Park69 Rilatt StreetBarbecue (electric), picnic area, playground, water (bubbler/tap)
Rode Road Park (road reserve) - Doctor Brown's Plot1 Rode RoadSeat
Shaw Estate Park (Hugh Courtney Oval, Ian Healey Oval, Keith Boden Wetlands Reserve, Mercer Park, Murray Duus Park)150 Shaw Road

14th Avenue access & Bowls Club car park, Brisbane Beach Spots (Volleyball), Gunyah Lapidary Club, Seikukan Karate Club, Shaw Road Sports Complex Tennis Centre, Wavell Heights Bowls Club, Wavell Heights Community Hall, Wavell Heights Kindergarten, Wavell Heights Scouts, access & car parking (Shaw Road Sports Complex, Cressey Street), barbecue (electric), car park (Shaw Road), community tennis precinct, cricket facility (Shaw Road Sports Complex), dog off-leash area with agility equipment (Murray Duus Park), half court (Murray Duus Park), picnic area (Shaw Road (Huet Street)), playground (Edinburgh Castle Road, Murray Duus Park, Shaw Road (Huet Street), Shaw Road Sports Complex), restoration site (Benelong Bushcare Group), rugby union facility (Shaw Road Sports Complex North Brisbane), shared pathway (Benelong Street, Kedron Brook, Shaw Road to Edinburgh Castle Road), skate facility (Murray Duus Park), wetlands (Keith Boden), bike rack (Benelong Street) water (bubbler/tap)

Shaw Park151 Shaw RoadShaw Park Hockey & Cricket facility, shared pathway, toilets, water (tap, water bubbler)
Studley Park29 Esdale Street
Barbecue (electric), picnic area, basketball half-court, playground, cycle training circuit, water (bubbler/tap)
Turquoise Place Park41 Turquoise PlaceDownfall Creek bikeway, picnic area with water bubbler, dog off-leash area, playground, shared pathway
Last updated:

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